150+ to lose in total? Come on in!



  • LexytheNerd
    LexytheNerd Posts: 44 Member
    Hey Guys. I'm not new but just started back using the app 8 days ago. When i started using the app i had 156 pounds to lose
    SW: 336
    CW: 306
    GW: 180
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    I have lost quite a bit and have quite a bit more to lose.
    You can do it.
    Good luck to you.
  • let1179
    let1179 Posts: 58 Member
    Hey ya'll...I just moved back to the Washington DC area from Texas where everything and EVERYONE are really bigger! I was at my healthiest before moving down there and came back close the the heaviest I have been. I have ridden this roller coaster my entire life, and as much as there are days, months, years, were I just don't care or want to give up, I always fight. So I am slowly putting forth the energy and time this will take and just pray to God it sticks!

    I would like to gain friends that understand this journey and the challenges, but ultimately for motivation. Feel free to add me.

    SW: 297.4
    CW: 297.4
    GW: 155
  • dlady92
    dlady92 Posts: 24 Member
    Just started on this site and really hoping I could loose the weight . Aside from loosing weight I hope I can make a few friends to help encourage me
  • brainsndbeauty
    brainsndbeauty Posts: 29 Member
    SW: 250.1 lbs
    CW: IDK this is my first week i havent weighed in!
    Ultimate goal : 150 lbs
    I am trying to lose 100 pounds. It isnt over 150 but 100 is still a lot to me!!
  • lissdawn
    lissdawn Posts: 70 Member
    Love this! Please add me. SW (a few months ago) 335, CW 301, UGW 150 (for now).

    I log every single day and am on day 3 of Jillian Michaels 30DS...hell on a DVD, so anyone who likes torture and supporting others in it, we can be besties! ;P
  • brainsndbeauty
    brainsndbeauty Posts: 29 Member
    Hey ya'll...I just moved back to the Washington DC area from Texas where everything and EVERYONE are really bigger! I was at my healthiest before moving down there and came back close the the heaviest I have been. I have ridden this roller coaster my entire life, and as much as there are days, months, years, were I just don't care or want to give up, I always fight. So I am slowly putting forth the energy and time this will take and just pray to God it sticks!

    I would like to gain friends that understand this journey and the challenges, but ultimately for motivation. Feel free to add me.

    SW: 297.4
    CW: 297.4
    GW: 155

    I live in the Washington DC area as well. and actually wanted to move to TX. The good thing about the area here is things are a lot faster and I am way more active here than I was when I lived in Georgia
  • MollMoll821
    MollMoll821 Posts: 64 Member
    Feel free to add me, somewhat similar goals.
    SW: 285
    CW: 237
    GW: 125-140ish
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,567 Member
    So, I'm not actually new, I've been using this site for about a year, and as my ticker says I've lost 69 pounds (lulz) so far.

    I would like to find more friends who have goals similar to mine:
    SW: 363lbs
    CW: 294lbs
    UGW: 175lbs
    188lbs to lose in total.
    120lbs left to lose (around).

    Basically, if you have lots to lose, we can be buds :glasses: :drinker:

    SW: 375.3lbs
    CW: 323
    UGW: 175
    200lbs to lose in total
    148lbs left to lose.

    How tall are you? I am 5'9".
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,567 Member
    I had a starting weight of 375 07/01/2013 am currently at 222 lbs this week. I have a very similar goal to yours. I am very honest and open with my food and dedicated to workouts. If you want someone to follow would be glad to share. Also will be a good encouragement.

    You!! You are where I want to be next summer! I am getting there :)
  • mustangEvie
    mustangEvie Posts: 39 Member
    I have similar goals. Feel free to add me, I'm looking for motivation and inspiration!
    SW: 280
    CW: 272
    UGW: 135
    145 to lose total
  • Grumpybearthatneedsanap
    Pls add me. I have a goal to lose about 180.
  • lissdawn
    lissdawn Posts: 70 Member
    I don't know why but I find this thread so inspiring for me. I think it's because I sometimes get overwhelmed with how much weight I have to lose and forgot there are so many of us out there. Cheers to us supermorbidly obese fatties!! ;P (keeping our drinks within caloric goals of course...)
  • afortunatedragon
    afortunatedragon Posts: 329 Member

    I too have a looooooooooooooooooooooooooot to lose. (my tracker only shows small goals)
    Would be happy, to get some more support and I support too of course :bigsmile:
  • Arylea
    Arylea Posts: 7 Member

    I've made great progress so far, with 42 lbs lost through lifestyle change, diet change, and exercise. I been going it alone so far, with encouragement from my boyfriend who's been working out with me and a friend who's working out too, but has a different regime than me. Love to be more accountable and supportive!
  • eisners
    eisners Posts: 10 Member
    I am not new to MFP but it is the first time I am using it religiously. I feel a little overwhelmed that I have 151lbs to lose and that the scale just tipped over 300 to 301. I vowed never to get to that weight.....and here I am.

    I will literally be half my size when I meet my goal weight. I will be so excited to be there but getting there is going to be a challenge.

    Feel free to add me. I am always looking to more friends!

    Anyone have any tips for losing?
  • ksmith326
    ksmith326 Posts: 5
    I am right there with you all!

    SW: 354
    CW: 294
    UGW: 160

    Please feel free to add me (everybody that is) The more motivation from one another, the better chance in us all succeeding!
  • princesskjr
    princesskjr Posts: 16 Member

    Im much the same as you guys ive still got over 130lbs to lose and I would love new friends and as much encouragement as possible!!
  • PatriziaGen
    PatriziaGen Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone, So glad to find this little group. So, I'm almost sure I had joined this before but alas, I didn't do much with it.
    I just turned 45 this week and started this journey again. Having lost weight in the past, I know that my problem is nighttime 'snacks', not eating at the right time and a basic sedentary lifestyle.

    I've started walking and watching what I eat again.

    SW: 280
    CW: same
    GW: 160
    Total weight to lose: 120
    Height: 5"7'

    Hopefully I'll figure these tools out & read your success stories to keep myself motivated and in turn, be able to motivate others!

    Forgot to add: Add me please ;)
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    Hello All!!

    I too am in this boat with you all! I have more than 150+ to lose and have only lost a few so far so still have quite a ways to go. Add me and we can encourage eachother!!

    SW- 326
    CW- 314
    GW- 150 - maybe lower when I get here depending on how I feel but this will be a healthy BMI and thats my goal
    Lost - 12 so far
    To go- 164

    Add me!!

    Edit: My ticker only says I have lost 6 lbs because I had gained 6 after I first put my weight in to start ;( because I hadnt really started yet.... but now I have and I will get there :)