jigglypuff Member


  • There is such a thing as larger framed people. I wouldn't put much mind to what your doctor has to say on whether you're large framed or not. He simply doesn't want you to think it's okay to be heavier than you should. Which is true, being naturally "big boned" is not an excuse to keep weight on. I'm also a very large…
  • Really? Because if that's you on your avatar pic, I gotta say, you looking flippin' awesome!
  • I normally tell women to go for it but honestly, in this case, I think you should wait. I'm sort of conflicted on what to advise here. On one hand, I don't think you should get implants because you're body is still growing and you're still young. You need time to grow into your body and who you are. That usually doesn't…
  • Mariodispenza, many of those sports players and women that get stuff done no matter what, have access to many medical solutions for their problems. My doctor and I are currently working together on figuring out a birth control that can help me. You have no idea what it's been like for me or women like me. So please, keep…
  • I have PMDD and PCOS so I know what a horrible period is. I can't even get up some mornings while I have my period. It puts me out of whack and I cannot function at all for about 4-5 days. It's gotten so bad I'm now heading back to the GYN and getting some tests done. And no, ibuprofens don't help. Nothing helps. I've…