Breast Implants



  • jeslyn2360
    I don't know anything about this topic, as I am a 42DDD at the moment (in Canada - I'm not sure if sizes are different in the States. Regardless, they're huge). That being said, I would definitely wait until you've had kids (or decided not to have them, as the case may be). Your body goes through so many changes with pregnancy and nursing - might as well wait until it's all over.

    As for all of you big-boob haters - I recognize that some people have actual real health related problems with unnaturally large breasts, but I am not one of them. Sure, I can't buy button-up shirts, but I'm sure there are some kinds of clothing styles ALL of you can't wear (and look fasionable, anyways) because of your unique bodies. Sure I can't go for a run comfortably, but I'm sure there are activities ALL of you can't do because of your unique bodies.

    OP, I think if you want them, go for it. It sounds like you have been working hard to lose weight, you are educated (or at least getting educated) about the topic, and you have a great support system. Sometimes people just need that little "extra" to be truely content in their own skin.

    THANK YOU!!!
  • kiittenforever
    kiittenforever Posts: 479 Member
    Whatever makes you feel sexy and confident. Nothing wrong with cosmetic surgery.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member

    I have low self esteem when it comes to my body. I am hoping they would make me feel better about myself and confident!

    What if they don't?

    Personally I think each to their own, but I don't think you should get them to 'fix' other issues other than wanting larger breasts.

  • KelijonesRN
    KelijonesRN Posts: 9 Member
    My reply went haywire! Congrats on the upcoming BSN! I just graduated with mine in May and it's the greatest feeling! I'm in the same boat. I have 34A's (which basically means mosquito bites to be honest) so I would be elated with B's! lol Seriously, I get it. I am 33 and plan on having mine done for my 35th birthday in a little over a year and my weight loss is somewhat motivated by this goal. My concern is also the complications but more so because of the pushing and pulling of patients as a nurse. You are limited in activity for a minimum of 30 days post op which can directly influence my job (I'm in critical care).

    I want breast augmentation for me, not for anyone else. I don't want Pamela Anderson knockers, just some natural bikini filling breasts that compliment my figure. Women who have these naturally or can utilize a good bra to make this happen don't really understand the limitations of having smaller breasts anymore than I understand the implications of having big ones.

    Bottom line, do your research, get a good consultation, and then go and think about it. No need to rush. It is a surgery which comes with risks and potential complications. So does getting your wisdom teeth out. If it's important to you, go for it!
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Surgery? How could you ever even consider such a thing. If you didn't get them the natural way they don't count. I have a friend of a cousins friend who had a boob job and had a horrible reaction. Surgery is NOT the answer.

    Kills me how many people are apparently fine with fake tits but get all butt hurt when some person they don't know decides to have a surgery that can save their life. Hypocrites.

    And didn't anyone ever tell you silicone parts are made for toys?
  • ellehcimyelhsa
    I'd say go for it if your body isn't going to change a bunch. If you want to have kids, personally, I would wait until you're done with that. Pregnancy itself changes your breasts so much (even if you choose not to breastfeed).

    Do your research and get some consultations. I don't think there is anything wrong with rewarding yourself for hard work.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I think it's rational. I would say if you want children though, wait until after you do that... otherwise, I think it's a fine goal. If you feel it would make you more proportionate and you would feel better about yourself, why not? I personally have always wanted a lift. I'm 23 and wish they were a bit perkier. BUT, hopefully once I'm at my goal weight and have built up some muscle, they will perk up a bit.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    if you want em then get them. The surgery doesnt hurt (AT ALL), and the down time is minimal. i got my surgery on Thursday morning, took a nap and went to the movies with my boyfriend that night. I was back at work by Monday with no pain, just a little discomfort. i went from a 34B to a 32DD which i think looks natural enough on my frame. you only live once, might as well enjoy it.
  • joannaorgovan
    joannaorgovan Posts: 71 Member
    Surgery? How could you ever even consider such a thing. If you didn't get them the natural way they don't count. I have a friend of a cousins friend who had a boob job and had a horrible reaction. Surgery is NOT the answer.

    Kills me how many people are apparently fine with fake tits but get all butt hurt when some person they don't know decides to have a surgery that can save their life. Hypocrites.

    And didn't anyone ever tell you silicone parts are made for toys?

    Totally agree.

    I'm more concerned that someone would even consider asking a bunch of strangers their opinions on such a serious topic.
  • nursenessa1
    nursenessa1 Posts: 182 Member
    I wouldn't do it. A B is nice. I especially wouldn't do it already married and my husband also liked what I already have. Plus the nerve damage to the nipple area can cause significant problems in the bedroom if nipple stimulation is pleasurable to you. The surgery can deaden that area to feeling, or cause significant nerve pain when touched, or come out fine.
  • CESarver
    I had my consultation for implants 2 weeks ago and spoke with the surgeon. Best decision ever...the doctor was far from pushy, very informative and helped me decide on what size would fit my body because my first comment to him was I don't want them huge. I have lost 104lbs and breastfed both my boy and my chest in unbearable, at least to me it is. I feel like I'm built like a little boy now (I went from being 38DD to barely an A now) Good thing is that I will not need a lift just implants to alter what I want, I also want to be a full C. He did ask if I wanted anymore kids I said yes eventually one more. He said it was my decision to continue forth we talked about the pros and cons. Surgery is schedule for January 7th. I would schedule a consultation with your preferred surgeon go in and talk to them it will help you make your decision. I was iffy and then after leaving and trying the bra on w/ the implant inserts my confidence really boosted and I really wanted this for myself. Everyone is going to have their say on wether it's right or wrong, but no one can make that final decision but you. Hope you figure out what works for you and you find the confidence you've been looking for!
  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    I know what's it's like to have a small chest; when I've been at a healthier weight, I barely have any (at 35 lbs away from goal, my lowest adult weight, I was a small B cup. I suspect at my final goal weight, I'll be a paltry A. Luckily I am well endowed in other areas).

    I do think that you need to consider your husband's feelings on this. The man seems to love your breasts the way they are (by the way, where did you find him, and does he have like-minded friends??), and I assume he's the only person other than you that sees them in the nude. Given that you only want to go up about one cup size, why not just invest in some good push up bras and/or "chicken cutlets" to wear, to boost your bust when clothed? This is major surgery, and risks go as far as dying on the operating table, serious infection of the incision, and lasting disfigurement, amongst others.
  • jlr331
    jlr331 Posts: 5
    I got mine done almost 3 years ago after my ex bf broke up with me and just after I turned 21. I was thinking it would help my self esteem but I as wrong it didn't, now i have other security issues that im battling with. :ohwell: :ohwell:
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    My fitness goal for losing my desired 22 pounds is to get breast implants once I reach my goal weight. My husband doesn't want me to have them, but I am a 34B and I feel like if I am doing it for the right reasons then why not? I am thinking of a large C cup. Do you think this is a bad weight loss motivator to have? I have always wanted them and I'm 25 now, I think I am able to make this decision rationally at this point in my life. Thoughts?

    I am/was in your boat. same natural size & all. I'm 5'3 and it's just something i've always wanted. (like since hs) it's not a self esteem issue for me, i quite frankly just like the way fake boobies look lol. my husband wasn't against it, persay - but never really saw the point - kept reminding me he loved my body as it was... and of course it wasn' something he was excited for us to drop 5+k on since he wasn't gung-ho about it...

    however, just this last spring he said he was going to sell one of his bikes (he does a lot of buying/trading/selling) and i could take the revenue from it for my implants... since i've always made it possible for him to get his bikes, toys, etc... i WAS EXTATIC...then extremely anxious lol. and after 2 months of deliberation - i decided not to do it.. go figure!!!

    many reasons behind this, you can message me for them if you'd like lol, but in regards to the weight loss, i wonder if you're trying to looks weight so when you get them you'll be at a good size?... i' would recommend getting them, then trying to get to your ideal weight. a. you'll have to stop any exercise for at least 4-6wks, maybe longer if you go behind the muscle & that might set you back & b. you can't be sure how you'll look with them once they've healed. the only thing (IMO) worse then someone with a bad boob job, is someone who's frame doesn't match to boobs (which i guess is the same thing ;) )...

    just my 2 cents :)

    ps. now that i strength train & have gotten some cuttness - i could care less if i have nice boobies, the rest of my body gets enough attn :)
  • jlr331
    jlr331 Posts: 5
    I have them, and honestly it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I absolutely love mine and they look very natural.

    I am glad they turned out how you wanted. I think I seriously need them for a confidence boost. I have low self esteem when it comes to my body. I am hoping they would make me feel better about myself and confident! Thanks for the input!

    Um, no offense, but that really doesn't sound like "for the right reasons". Boobs won't fix your self confidence issues. Only you can do that.
    I completely agree with you. I got mine done 3 years ago thinking that they would help my self esteem and to my surprise they didn't im still battling with myself and my weight. You will think they are the greatest thing in the beginning but trust it will fade away and you will deal with something else you don't like about yourself. Trust me I went from a 36A to a 36D and what I hate is that when I gain weight they look part of my body and don't even look like I got them done, only when im thin they look big and nice. It is so frustrating but in the end you do have to love yourself it all comes from within.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i would never get them. i think a woman's body is beautiful when it's natural.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    besides, a 34B isn't all that small in the first place.
  • susiebear29
    Im totally with you girl!!! I have been flat chested my whole life and feel like a boy, im a 30AA!!! that is not even a bra size?!!! im hoping to get mine done next year and luckily my BF is very supportive! If it is what you want and you think that it will give you more confidence and feel happier with your body then I think you should GO FOR IT!!!! it's YOUR body and your decision!! good luck!!! :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • jigglypuff
    jigglypuff Posts: 5 Member
    I normally tell women to go for it but honestly, in this case, I think you should wait.

    I'm sort of conflicted on what to advise here. On one hand, I don't think you should get implants because you're body is still growing and you're still young. You need time to grow into your body and who you are. That usually doesn't come until you're in your late 20's or 30's. For some, even later. Many of the PP's brought up some good points.

    There are also complications to consider. I personally don't think it's wise to get them to feel better about yourself. That lack of self esteem my not go away when you get your breasts done BUT, I understand your wanting bigger breasts. I wouldn't want to live off push-up bras either.

    Some women hate their big breasts but I actually love mine. I personally wouldn't be happy with small breasts either but ya know, we're all built differently. I've seen some small breasted women who carry themselves well, have confidence and men flock to them even though they're lacking on top.

    One thing I would suggest is going to therapy first before getting your surgery done. This way a therapist can help you on your decisions and why you feel the way you do. Who knows, you may discover that deep in your heart, you don't want or need implants.

    Whatever you decide, best of luck :)
  • jigglypuff
    jigglypuff Posts: 5 Member
    Im totally with you girl!!! I have been flat chested my whole life and feel like a boy, im a 30AA!!! that is not even a bra size?!!! im hoping to get mine done next year and luckily my BF is very supportive! If it is what you want and you think that it will give you more confidence and feel happier with your body then I think you should GO FOR IT!!!! it's YOUR body and your decision!! good luck!!! :smile: :smile: :smile:

    Really? Because if that's you on your avatar pic, I gotta say, you looking flippin' awesome!