

  • Over the years I have tried a few different types. Starting with Self Defense and then Karate. Later I tried Boxing which was a great workout. After that was Muay Thai. A few years ago I began Shaolin Kung Fu and loved it, until I moved, so now I am looking at doing TKD. I would recommend Shaolin or Boxing as they have…
  • You will find with just about every social activity in life there will always be the elitist tools, but who seriously gives a flying .... what they think or have to say? When you join a "club" you will find that most people will support you and be proud of what you do. You should be proud of the fact you are showing up.…
  • It can be hard, that is for sure. I personally have a very strong - what most people like to refer to as - Addictive Personality. The first time I was successfully able to quit was approx. 4-5 yrs ago when I had to have all of my wisdom teeth removed. The Dentist highly recommended that I quit smoking or at the very least,…