Martial Arts



  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Take into account if you have any injuries or joint issues going on. If you do, you might be best off with the 'soft' martial arts - judo, jujitsu, aikido etc. Personally I really like muay thai and took some classes in it before. Might try krav maga one of these days too.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    The place by my house is Judo - that's "soft" right?

    I feel really (ridiculously) nervous about this, I have no idea why.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    The place by my house is Judo - that's "soft" right?

    I feel really (ridiculously) nervous about this, I have no idea why.

    Softer... lots of throws and stuff but normally onto a nice soft mat on the floor.

    No reason to be nervous. I've always done TKD and there are always new people coming and going. Most the time folks are especially friendly to the new people. It sounds dumb but the more new folks there are the cooler we look in our black belts, so we want to make sure you have fun and keep coming back.

    So try it and see if it's a fit. FIrst few classes are always rough. A good school will NOT force you to sign a long contract. Within a month though you'll know if you enjoy it and the people there.
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    I do Tae Kwon Do..LOVE IT!!! its not just about kicking,its also about balance,cordenation and self control mentally and physically.
    a good gym is like an extended family,one you actually want to visit!

    My whole family does TKD and the people there have become an extension of our family. And it ahs done wonders for my balance and coordination
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Love my Taekwondo! I have grading on Saturday. I started at the beginning of the year and never thought I'd be kicking above my head, doing flying kicks, or mastering patterns!~ It's so satisfying and it makes me want to do other exercise to get fitter, so I'm better :)
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Now I feel like I really need to do some TKD!
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    I've been training for almost eleven years now, in karate, taekwondo, and kendo.

    Each form has it's own "thing." In Taekwondo, they do more kicks, and focus on speed and agility. You'll learn to use your hands and such as well, but it's not a big focus. In Karate, we focus on practicality and being well-rounded. You won't find a karate student jumping around the way you will in TKD, but their moves are strong. Neither of these forms traditionally teach grappling, which is fighting from the floor. For that sort of thing, you'd want Jujitsu. See what I mean? :)

    As a hint, anything ending is "do" (aikido, karate-do, judo, etc,) is focused more on the art involved, while "jitsu" forms are more martial, focusing on the fighting side. If you don't see "jitsu" or "do", it's probably safe to assume it's a "jitsu" type of form, focusing on hurting people or not being hurt than looking pretty.
  • SpectreFiend
    Over the years I have tried a few different types. Starting with Self Defense and then Karate. Later I tried Boxing which was a great workout. After that was Muay Thai.
    A few years ago I began Shaolin Kung Fu and loved it, until I moved, so now I am looking at doing TKD.

    I would recommend Shaolin or Boxing as they have been the 2 best workouts, but Shaolin offered a lot more. Movement, coordination, strength, flexibility, stamina (without even going into actual Martial Arts)... fantastic experience.

    Good luck!
  • jimmyn6
    jimmyn6 Posts: 15 Member
    I did mostly Tae Kwon Do when I was in high school. I mean it was a mix of Karate and TKD. You know, the building say karate but we did a lot of TKD.

    I liked it, I didn't practice it outside of the 2x a week then. I was in great then, granted I was also a high school kid so go figure. lol. Flexibility increases, i could do horse stance for hours, stuff like that.

    MMA is big now. It may have what you're looking for. If you want something zen like, Tai Chi is your bet. Hit up the chinatown of your city. You'll find some community news/event for martial arts, sometimes at a great price. I know the vietnamese churches in my area offer the vietnamese martial arts, VoViNam. Some local churches offer TKD at reduced prices. Traditional chinese kung fu can be found near chinatown too.

    I'd look into a place that is focused on teaching and educating. Hence I liked a lot more of the Asian community center or church type places (or even continuing ed at a local community college). My karate place stopped teaching us really and was geared towards tournaments and stuff, recruiting black belts from other places, and basically we put on our pads and became hitting bags and practice dummies for guys to prep for tournaments. it would have been okay if it was one or twice, but it started to drag that way for months. My blue collar dad took exception to that, he felt our money was better spent else where. So do watch out for the places that focus on tournaments, they might not give you the attention you'd like.
  • Zaftique
    Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
    I love Aikido. I'm not a kicky-punchy kind of person, and Aikido is the gentle art of tipping people over.

    "Oh, I'm sorry, it looks like you want to go in my direction! I'm clearly in your way, let me help you along. Gosh, look at that, you're on the floor with my foot planted on your shoulder while your wrist is joint-locked behind you. How did that happen, silly me." ;)

    As I've learned from class, it's also really good if you're short. o_O Sensei demonstrated defending against 5 attackers while on his knees, and they all went flying. It's so sweet.
  • YearsWorthOfFAT
    Yes, go do Tae Kwon Do. It's the best thing.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    there is an akido dojo (studio? whatever) right by my work. might give it wirl
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    You guys have all been so helpful, thank you so much!

    The studio by my home seems to be really focused on competition and awards and stuff - which just isn't my thing. I'll be looking around and visiting studios this week! I really appreciate all the feedback :)