tugten Member


  • I'm in. 3/10. 155 pds.
  • SW. 155 pds Todays weight. 155 PDS Goal weight. 135 pds
  • Starting weight. 155 pds Goal weight 135 pds
  • It's a sign 20 more pounds starting g 2/20/2020.😊
  • I'm in too. Starting April 15
  • Day 8/21 Good day. Met my goals + and I'm adding one more goal which is hard for me "I hate water" Gym every other day one hour. Thankful prayers either at home or at church. 1 hour Preparing food day before so as not to overeat. One hour organization in home or home office. Walking every other day maintaining log MFP 1200…
  • Day 5/21 Good day, work out, organizing, cooking ahead, all good Day 6/21 Good day, got in the gym, organizing, gratitude Day 7/21 Today was an off day, only did my exercising (one off day, hope this is the only one)
  • Day 4/21 Good organizing day and gratitude day, but took a day off exercise, still feel good about remainder of challenge.
  • Thanks to everyone and congrats on the progress. I joined a gym and lost a few pounds on this challenge so it's at least moving forward. Good Luck to all
  • Day 3/21 Good day did thankful prayers during gym. Decided my spiritual hour can also be my gym hour, accomplishes two things at once, still have to finish last of the organizing hour tonite. almost there. Just being accountable helps a lot.
  • Day 2/21 completed. Gym every other day one hour. Thankful prayers either at home or at church. 1 hour Preparing food day before so as not to overeat. One hour organization in home or home office. Walking every other day maintaining log MFP 1200 calories
  • Missed the beginning and starting today! 3/12/14 1/21 Gym every other day one hour. Thankful prayers either at home or at church. 1 hour Preparing food day before so as not to overeat. One hour organization in home or home office. Walking every other day maintaining log MFP 1200 calories
  • SW 153 pounds CW 151 pounds Exercise 210 minutes UGH! Up one pound. Started the gym 1 hour every other day and it is making me more hungry.
  • Congratulations Iharri! Amazing loss and best of luck to you. 77 pounds lost is a wonderful achievement and you should be extremely proud.
  • SW 153 pounds CW 150 pounds Exercise 180 minutes Ditto on the frustration like everyone else. It has been very hard to concentrate and stick to logging each thing I eat. Why was it easier the first three months? Didn't lose or gain this week. But have joined a gym and hoping to get more workouts. Great job to all who have…
  • SW 153 pounds CW 150 pounds Exercise 215 minutes Down one pound since last week. Ever so slowly...
  • SW 153 pounds CW 151 pounds Exercise 210 minutes walking. OK. I got on the scale and lost the pound I had gained last week. That is good. Congrats to everyone for trying so hard and doing so well in sticking to it.
  • SW 153 pounds CW 152 pounds Exercise 165 minutes walking Gained one pound this week. Saw it coming..... Must keep on trying.... Total loss this challenge 1 pound
  • SW 153 pounds CW 151 pounds Zero pounds lost this week. Exercise minutes 145 minutes of walking I had a hard time finding motivation to keep logging this week. Overate almost everyday and for no particular stressful event. Just no willpower. And I have a feeling it's going to show up on the scale soon. Ugh! Congrats to all…
  • SW 153 CW 151 Exercise 285 minutes of walking. I have come down 1 pound in one month, but at least I haven't gained. It's definitely more difficult to maintain calories when the scale doesn't move for so long. I hope it starts moving faster soon. I can't complain about the weather either because down here in sunny south…
  • SW 153 pounds CW 152 pounds No loss this week again. Try, try again next week. Walked a total of 410 minutes this week.
  • eggs only use half the yolks, wild salmon in packets , bananas, spinach for low cal baked spinach bites , beans, romaine lettuce, carrots, cooked chicken, oatmeal, low cal cheese, pita bread, tea with low fat milk , frozen fruits and veggies. Make most of your dinners on the weekend. Have them ready. That way you know…
  • glad you're ok sortof......Be glad nothing worse happened. I have heard some of the most serious injuries occur when we least expect them. I slid on some water on the kitchen floor couple of months ago and went flying landing straight on my back. I was sure I injured something and didn't move for five minutes. But then got…
    in Clumsy Comment by tugten January 2014
  • Congrats to everyone keeping this group going. You guys are doing great. It's so important for me to keep being accountable even if I am not losing right now. Back to a more normal eating pattern for me and must now get that walking back on track . I got on and off the scale 10 times this morning hoping it would register…
  • SW 170 pounds CW 152 pounds No loss or gain this week. Still a tumultuous time for me. I hope to get back on track soon.
  • SW 170 pounds CW 152 pounds I lost one pound this week but for all the wrong reasons. Christmas eve my family lost a sister in law (59 years old, heart aneurysm) She left my niece and nephew 24 and 27 years old. So I have been running back and forth for them every day, no exercise, no sleep and not eating right. I hope to…
  • Current Weight: 153 pounds Exercise goal 150 minutes per week + (walk 1 hour moderate pace four times a week +) Personal goal Reach my ideal weight by my birthday last week of March and then work to maintain it. Trim waist by four inches doing situps and any other exercise that might work.