21 Day Challenge



  • aneetar
    aneetar Posts: 11 Member
    I am going to:
    1. Log in everyday - my best is a 1.5 day streak!
    2. Restart yoga habit - at least the warm up and suryanamaskars for this week starting tomorrow morning.
    3. Get my 5 a day of vegetables and fruit.
    4. Get enough protein instead of eating sundry junk like biscuits out of packets.
    5. Eat a minimum of three home-cooked meals everyday; all the other meals have to be after these are eaten.
    6. Drink enough water.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • njcole85
    njcole85 Posts: 1
    I will give it a shot.
    1. Go to the gym 3 days a week
    2. Keep my diery updated every day
    3. Drink lots of water
    4. Keep up with what the dr. Tells me
    5. Make a good change to every meal even if it is a quick cheating burger throw away half the bun.
  • ks5392
    ks5392 Posts: 16 Member
    I just got back on the wagon on Monday, after having gained a considerable amount of weight. (I moved back in with my mom in November).

    1. Stick to my 3-2-1 meal plans.
    2. Stay within my calorie budget per day (which as long as I stick to #1, should be easy!)
    3. Keep up a good stock of pre-packaged, pre-portioned fruit and veggie snacks in the fridge so I don't get lazy and get fast food to compensate!
    4. Work out AT LEAST 2 times weekly, for about 30 minutes or more each day.
    5. Continue drinking lots of water (close to a gallon or more a day) and no more soda.
    6. Stick to my daily planned schedules to ensure I get 8 hours or more of sleep a night and still be able to manage time for workouts instead of making up excuses!
  • glynie12
    glynie12 Posts: 182 Member
    day 10/21 and feelin' grrrrrrrrrrrrreat!!!!!!! everything is coming together.....happy thursday groupies:):happy:
  • DFasso23
    DFasso23 Posts: 26 Member
    Funny thing about this challenge is I don't even remember what day I'm on. I believe I've completed 17/21 and on day 18. Regardless, My point is that it worked! I don't even have to think about it anymore, I just go through my daily routine. Thaks to Renegade for starting the challenge!!
  • Renegade706
    Renegade706 Posts: 209
    Funny thing about this challenge is I don't even remember what day I'm on. I believe I've completed 17/21 and on day 18. Regardless, My point is that it worked! I don't even have to think about it anymore, I just go through my daily routine. Thaks to Renegade for starting the challenge!!
    You dont have to thank me, all I did was put an idea out there, your the one who made it happen! Congrats you have done outstanding!
  • CiCiSlim
    CiCiSlim Posts: 36
    Love this thread! I'm so down!! 21 days starting tomorrow morning.

    1. Drink 64 ounces of water every day.
    2. Take my vitamins, twice a day, 7 days a week.
    3. In addition to 5 hours of cardio a week, add in 3 days of weight/strength training.
    4. Prepare meals/snacks the night before so I'm best prepared for success the next day.
    5. Log food and exercise in MFP every day
    6. Spend 30 minutes every day in prayer/reading the bible.
    7. Drink at least 1 juiced meal every week
  • MarucaSoledad
    MarucaSoledad Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in. Love a challenge!

    1. Walk 5k 6 days a week
    2. Drink at least 8 glasses of water
    3. Plan and prepare my meals 1 day in advance
    4. Take 30 minutes for quiet time
    5. Avoid breads (as they are my biggest weakness)

    I did all this today, but will start countdown tomorrow! :smile:
  • tugten
    tugten Posts: 73 Member
    Day 2/21


    Gym every other day one hour.
    Thankful prayers either at home or at church. 1 hour
    Preparing food day before so as not to overeat.
    One hour organization in home or home office.
    Walking every other day
    maintaining log MFP 1200 calories
  • Renegade706
    Renegade706 Posts: 209
    Day 16 of 21- Good day! Cardio day so got a good run in, planned my meals, had water with meals, fixing to read from bible and that will complete my goals for the day. Love to see this helping not only me but alot of others who have joined in , and continue to join. This might not change your life in 3 weeks, but its a great start to developing the habits that can change your life! Have a great night everyone.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Day 16/21. Bad day I call in sick to work. I needed a mental health day I was just feeling blah and needed a day off with my kids. I logged everything and went over a little but I'm okay with that. Here's to tomorrow.
  • Taylorxxlynne
    Taylorxxlynne Posts: 210 Member
    Day 2/21 - Today was a great day! Did 30 Day Shred Level 3 Day 2, walked 50 minutes, Zumba for 20 minutes, and The Firm Abs Sculpt for 25 minutes! And I also read my Beautiful Creatures book (haven't finished yet though, reading about 20 minutes a day will take a while)

    (this was also yesterday's great day as well)
  • glynie12
    glynie12 Posts: 182 Member
    day 11/21...woop woop!
    things are good. my workouts and water are never a problem. food prep and paying forward is awesome too.
  • glynie12
    glynie12 Posts: 182 Member
    OH YES PLEASE!!!!!!!!
    im going to do this!
    today, march 4 will be day 1....and so it begins...haha!!!

    1) Workout 60 minutes a day for 6 days a week (will have one rest day!)
    2) Drink water 2 - 3 litres a day
    3) Encourage at least 3 people everyday even it has nothing to do with mfp!
    4) Spend 30 minutes each day in meditation/deep breathing
    5) Log my workouts and nutrition every day on MFP without fail
    6) Plan and prepare the next weeks meals on sundays - at least my dinner and prepared veggies!
    7) Lose 10 pounds by day 21

    good luck everyone and i look forward to watching us all succeed:heart:

    ok,,,,seriously, sometimes i think im tech inept! i meant to repost my original goals then answer...jeesh!!
    anyway..im only having trouble with #4 and #7!
    its making time for myself to have this alone time for the meditation that i enjoy....i haven't missed every day but would like to make this more a part of my every day life......new goal for me here!
    and, not sure if ill lose 10lbs in my remaining 10 days...seems loftly. however, i am down 2.5 and very happy with that!!!

    keep up all your good work out there, i know you can do it. :happy:
  • i'm in .. i am a bit late but will try whatever i can for the first week. starting at 24o pds..all the best to all of u..
  • Renegade706
    Renegade706 Posts: 209
    Day 17 of 21- A good day , busy but made good food choices, even going out for dinner i had baked salmon with rice and a salad. The longer you do this the easier it gets to say no to bad food choices and yes to healthy ones! Hope everyone has a great weekend, God bless!
  • tugten
    tugten Posts: 73 Member
    Day 3/21

    Good day
    did thankful prayers during gym. Decided my spiritual hour can also be my gym hour, accomplishes two things at once,
    still have to finish last of the organizing hour tonite. almost there.
    Just being accountable helps a lot.
  • ToriBattleB
    ToriBattleB Posts: 53 Member
    Ok I have been lazy posting but I'm still on track! Day 15 of 21 down! I have been logging everyday and everything. 4 workouts completed this week! My body needs a break but I want to keep pushing! I'm happy I completed at least four workouts again this week,
  • Renegade706
    Renegade706 Posts: 209
    Day 18 of 21- Time flies when your having fun. Usually the weekend is when i have the temptations that throw me off track, but worked a full day today , so although it makes my weekend short, it was easy to stay on track and hit my goals! Hope everyone has had a great Saturday!
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Day 17/21 and 18/21 yesterday was okay today was great stayed in calorie range and even went to get a German chocolate frozen yogurt from sub zero didn't realize how many cals it was with all the add ins but it was soo good. Took my kids for an intro at our indoor rock climbing at the rec center, went for a walk, lifted weights, went bowling with the family, and enjoyed the sunshine does get much better than this.