

  • Hello all, I've been running for a little over 2 years. I started out on my own, with the internet for help and through time and injuries, learning lots, I ran a 10k last summer and completed a HM in November. I love running, so glad I started doing it. I had always joked about only running if I were being chased, but now…
  • i just saw this! i don't know what OP is, but my half went really well thanks! the pain that i felt, and feared would get worse, never did. i managed a personal best of 2:23:43. i took a few more weeks off after the run and have been getting back to running more consistently in the last few weeks.
  • I would like to train more consistently, maintain a more even looking weekly/monthly mileage with a steady increase. I'm hoping to beat 2:23:43 for my second HM this May. I'm training for my first tri this summer- just looking forward to finishing! Stay injury free! (2 hiatuses last year- ITBS and tendinopathy )
  • and thanks for the article _Waffle_
  • i've seen an athletic therapist and this is based on what she said. The pain is at the back of my heel, not the bottom. Her thought was that tightness through the plantar fascia and calves was putting strain on the tendon, causing pain. So I've been rolling and stretching those areas, I feel that's what's helped the…
  • Hey all, brand new to mfp and fairly new to running. after some itb issues in january, a couple months rest and recoup and i'm back to running better than ever! i'm training for my first ever race, a HM in november. so far my longest run is 14k. my training plan also incorporates hill runs, easy runs with strides, and as…