

  • This is my biggest problem. I am 21 years old and when I say "I need to lose 16 kilos to be healthy" people say "Oh my god what's wrong with you? You are fine the way you are". I know they are trying to be nice but it's total crap especially when it's my doctor that has told me I need to lose this weight to be in a normal…
  • I think if you have had such serious surgery maybe you should consult a physiotherapist before you jump into it all. I've had major issues with knee's and am getting close to a reconstruction so I went to phsyio and he gave me a bunch of safe exercises to do. Sounds like you have done really well so far losing 10lbs so…
    in New Guy Comment by Carly666666 June 2011
  • Thanks mate, I have tried V8 before and you are right it's better than nothing. I will only bake potato's from now on and put nothing on top! Yeah my sugar intake would be horrific which could explain why I feel like utter crap most of the time. Cheers for the info and tips, if I eat bread I usually go for the wholemeal…
  • You are all amazing I never expected this sort of response. I think I'm going to do the photo of how I am now because I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror so might be good to force myself to see it in a photo. The dieting part is hard because of trauma as a kid I can't eat fruit or veg (sounds funny but a certain…
  • I also recently fell off the wagon. I had quit smoking and drinking for 3 months and it helped me lose 7 kilo's by just eating healthy...I wasn't even exercising at this point. Then I started gym in January but I started drinking at the same time...everytime I drink I want to smoke. I gained a kilo and have not lost any…
  • I never eat before exercising as I do mine at about 6am...I find a banana and a couple of hard boiled eggs after the work out stop the feeling of needing to puke. But there have been times when I have puked during the workout and I feel fine after I throw up :smile: