Haven't listened to it yet, but downloaded a bootleg Pink Floyd concert from May 9, 1977 at the Oakland coliseum!!
In my cube today: Chuck Berry! John McCutcheon Otis Rush
That's funny, when I heard there was such a thing as BMI, I discovered I was about 6 inches shorter than I needed to be!
This is what I've listened to in the last few days: Dirk Hamilton Santana Fabulous Thunderbirds Tailgators Antsy McClain and the Trailer Park Troubadours Bill Kirchen Frank Wakefield
- A cautionary tale about girls from Texas "...the preacher started reading about til death do us part. I told him skip it, she's had that understanding right from the start!"
I'm in between jobs like a po boy sammich - Antsy McClain
Funny, I don't see "I want to try this. What do you think?" in here anywhere. You DO speak a different English than I do!! :)
I didn't ask for your advice. You've already given me unsolicited advice when you suggested I get a dictionary. And if you have a dictionary that defines what somebody posts on a message board is looking for, then you need a new dictionary. And maybe you should go back and read that OP before make ridiculous assumptions.…
It just so happens that I have a dictionary close by, and while I haven't looked up "unsupportive" just yet, I did look up "rude" and what do you know, there was your picture taking up a whole page. Speaking of unsolicited advice, keep yours to yourself. See what I just did there, I avoided being rude.
So you're giving unsolicited advice to someone who not only didn't ask for it, but doesn't want it, and you wonder why they are not being supportive?
Glad to see so many of these moments were with lesser known artists! I've seen Antsy McClain and the Trailer Park Troubadours many times. Some highlights include: Getting my 13 year old son up on stage to play trombone and having him play a solo (which he had never done!). When he found out (on stage) that his new banjo…