

  • Typically, those of us who carry extra weight in our stomach, have lose skin. Since you are still young, you should be able to tighten some of that back up by continuing to exercise on a daily basis. Along with exercise, you also need to make sure you are eating right and trying to stay away from sugar as much as possible.…
  • Tara~ Great site. I have sea food, crustaian or otherwise. I have been thinking of adding fish oil pills to my dily vitamin intake. I think you just made up my mind for me :)
  • You hit the nail on the head with this one. You'd think that because I live in Vermont it's always sunny, not the case. It is statistically proven that seasonal depression in Vermont is very high. we lose the sun so much quicker in the day because of the mountains hiding it. I do add Vitamin D to my diet, but I have…
  • :happy: wow I had no idea :) Thanks for the helpful tip, i'll stop by the drug store and pick me up some Vitamin B tonight!!
  • Gibster88~ Thank you! I tend to forget simple ideas for frustrating issues. I have tried adding more water into my diet in the past, and it really does help. Thanks :):tongue:
  • Hi~ At the risk of making you hate me right off the bat, I have to admit that is exactly what I think when I meet someone who is overweight and vegetarian. Well, the wow part, not the freak part, I admire that part :) However, in your defense and to those who have food allergies/intolerance I agree. It is very hard to keep…