

  • Judgemental much? She's offering SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT. Where in there does it say anything about trying to sell anything? She's just trying to help others focus on their goals at the beginning of the toughest season for those trying to lose.
  • We always use mayo and a dollop of yellow mustard. My aunt and uncle use relish but the rest of us don't.
  • I've been having the problem where I'm not hungry enough to eat my calories or I get full too fast. Sometimes a protein shake helps. It's easy to drink and doesn't make me feel too full or bloated. Or even a protein bar. The cookies n cream from Apex (if I'm remembering correctly) tastes like a candy bar!
  • Exactly! I can work them into my calories but do I trust myself to remain controlled? Hail nah lol therefore I avoid buying them. I tend to go overboard on anything I love lol
  • My NSV this week: I didn't have ANY taco bell. That's huge for me. I tend to crave their nachos like crazy and they're my go-to when I've had a long day or feel depressed and want to stuff my face. Instead I've been driving straight home and reminding myself of all the food I prepared ahead of time so that I wouldn't fall…
  • Chips, cheese dips, cookies, soda, frozen pizza, or any kind of typical junky snack foods. I go totally overboard even if I get the preportioned packs. Makes me sad that I know I choose not to control myself around these things and so I just don't buy them at all.
  • Hi everyone. I'm Heather Rae, I just celebrated my 28th birthday, and I need to lose around 163lbs. I can't believe I let myself get this big. When I went to see a dietician and was only 1.4lbs away from 300 something snapped inside me. I cried and cried and cried. The dietician was very helpful and she was very realistic…