ilovepink143 Member


  • Thanks guys. If I not feeling a burn in the glutes and only the thighs is it a sure fire way to know I'm doing something incorrectly ?
  • Thanks guys ! I've actually read some of Brett's blog . I will look into it!
  • Also, in anyone's opinion, do I need to be lifting heavy weight if I want to really round out my booty ? I really am clueless to all of this.
  • I shouldn't have said gains, sorry. Not really looking to build muscle atm more to tone and get a better form.
  • allow me to correct myself. When I say gains I mean any type of improvement at all. ( my quads have toned up that's for sure ) I'm not going to hit the squat rack right off the bat when I haven't the foggiest what I'm doing, or atleast I don't think that's wise.
  • I have the same problem. I've been stuck at body weight squats for some time now just because I'm trying to perfect my form. I've read tons of posts and watched videos. I feel an intense burn In my quads. I've read that some people are quad dominant and squats don't work as well. I also have reached back to make sure my…