pinup_mama Member


  • You are welcome to add me, as well! I am a full-time working mom of two gorgeous daughters -- 2 y.o. and 5 y.o. :heart:
  • My goals are: 1. Hit the elliptical 3-4 times per week 2. Drink more water (I bought a water bottle to take to work with me) 3. Drink LESS alcohol -- I've been good about having a glass of wine most evenings which is very relaxing, but definitely a waste of cals....
  • My body goes into "starvation mode" when I dip below 1300 cals. I actually have a really hard time losing weight when I dip below the recommended calories. When I stick to MFP's requirements, I generally lose weight much faster. Also, if you're nursing, you really need to make sure you're getting enough calories! Good luck…
  • I agree completely. You're going for a weekend, right? Not a six-month sabbatical. I think you'll probably be okay. :wink:
  • Great thread! Keep 'em coming! :drinker:
  • hahaha! I love this!! I think I only have 3 male MFP friends!!! Glad to see there's a few on here!
  • Hey, lovely ladies! I'm down to 170.5 this week. I want those 160's so bad I could cry! I'm really going to try to get there by next week! My goals this week are to LOG EVERYTHING, drink more water, and keep working out regularly!
  • What a great idea! I am teaching ESL at a university. It's pretty exciting to have students from all over the globe who've come to study here. This is my 3rd year teaching ESL. Before that, I taught English to freshman and sophomores at the same university for two years. This fall I'm starting my second masters degree. I…
  • Hello lovelies! Weighing in at 172 today. I blame TOM....ugh. But my goals for this week are to get out of this lazy funk and back on the workout wagon! Good luck to everyone!
  • Hey ladies. Was up at 171 this morning. Boo :sad:
  • Hey ladies! 169.5 for me this week. I FINALLY made it into the 160's....just barely....and I'm only 1/2 a pound away from finally being in the "Healthy" BMI range. Congrats to everyone on all their hard work!!!:drinker:
  • Weighing in at 170 this morning -- only 1 lb away from being in the "Healthy" BMI range! I can't wait to see the 160's. Congrats to all my Pin ups for this week!
  • Happy Independence Day to my American Pin Ups!! I'm weighing in at 173 today. Trying to recover from my vacation still, but at least the numbers are going in the right direction!
  • whoops! i meant "fell off," not "feel off" the horse, LOL
  • Let me preface this with a horrible excuse: I went on a three day weekend getaway with husband and daughters and didn't count any calories, though I did do some hiking....and no real work outs last week due to getting things ready for midterms at work. I gained and I'm weighing in at 174 today. :sad: But excuses are lame,…
  • Hey Pin Ups! Down to 172.5 this week. Only a 1 lb loss. The closer I get to my goal weight, the slower things go! Really hoping to be in the 160's by the end of this challenge! Congrats to everyone on their progress!
  • Hey fabulous pin up girls! I'm down to 173.5, so not a big loss, but at least the scale is moving again!! Congrats to everyone on their hard work this past week. Let's keep it up!!
  • 174.5 again this week. Boo!:sad:
  • First of all: Thanks, Rach, for putting this all together and congrats on making it into the 160's!! Secondly, congrats to all the fabulous pin-ups for the great work last week! Let's make next week even better! My goals for this week are to workout at least 4 times, drink more water, and find a way to get more calcium…
  • 174.5 today! That's 2.5 lbs down from last week. :drinker:
  • Can I join pretty please? SW: 177
  • Thanks so much for your help! I really appreciate the advice I've gotten so far -- it's lovely to have so many "experts" at my fingertips! :flowerforyou:
  • I'm trying to lose the baby weight from my second child -- also a 7 month old girl! Been doing a lot of cardio and keeping much better track of my cals. Feel free to add me! The more support the better!
  • I confess that I sometimes focus so much on my husband and kids that I forget to take care of myself...I didn't eat until 3:00 p.m. yesterday because I was so busy getting the kids around in the morning to take to daycare and I didn't want to eat any of the fast food available near my job because it's bad for me and we're…
  • This morning I put on my super-hot black pants from my pre-baby #2 days. They fit and I can't wait to see the look on my husband's face when he gets home tonight!! YAYYYYYY!
  • you look great!! congrats!
  • Love this thread! I pulled up, zipped, and -- wait for it -- buttoned my pre-first-baby (4 years ago) college girl jeans. Did I have serious muffin top? Heck yes. But just to know that I could get them on was a pretty awesome feeling. A few months ago they wouldn't even pull up over my hips!! SW: 200 CW: 184 GW: 160
  • I weigh myself everyday. As many PPs have said, it does mean that there is some fluctuation due to water weight, etc, but it helps me stay on track.
  • Oh, and I'm new to the message boards, so feel free to "friend" me! I'd love to have some fellow mamas to help keep me motivated! :wink:
  • Hooray for mamas! I am 7 months post-baby (this is my second) and I've recently gotten back down to my pre-prego weight (which is still too high) and I've made a lot of progress by what you're already doing (though admittedly, I still eat some of the things you've cut out!). I got rid of the processed, pre-packaged "easy…