xxdef1antxx Member


  • I Identify with all of this, its so hard sometimes. I don't really know how to explain it, but I always feel like Im doing it behind my own back, like if I am sneaky about it I wont catch myself. The last few months have been brutal and really the only thing that's has been keeping it from being worse is lifting 6 days a…
  • some tips, not sure if they've been covered or not 1. Re calculate calorie and macro needs for new weight, should do this every 10ish lbs 2. Change diet macros or watch them if you havnt. I was stuck and started reducing carbs and that did the trick 3. Don't eat carbs 3-4 hours before bed 4. get more fat in your diet. Fat…
  • Sup brahs and ladybrahs, I am a recovering fat as fat *kitten*. Im trying to get below 15% BF so I can be a big guy. current stats: 235lbs @ 5'9" 23% bf 465 DL 345 SQ 275 BP 155 Strict Military Press Started at 305lbs, was too embarrassed to get anything else checked.
  • I have a few: >deadlifting 500lbs (at 465 currently) >running a sub 7min mile >shoulders like Bane >people miring >sub 15% BF >V taper Nothing too It, consistency is key. We are all gonna make it bros and lady bros.