

  • I had the same problem. I consulted with my physician and he advised my on a specific calorie plan to fit my body and my body only. You can not depend on what advise you get on a message board. Consult with a physician first. I was also recommended to buy a unit for my home because I had trouble getting any time in for a…
  • Try getting a Polar watch that monitors your heart rate. Combine it with your height, weight, age and you should be able to calculate your estimate calorie burn. I believe The Fitness Resource sells them. I bought it from them when i purchased my Arc Trainer.
  • The Arc Trainer will provides very low impact to your joints. I have knee pain my self and i would not go on any other cardio machine but an Arc Trainer. I recently purchased online an Cybex 610A Arc Trainer for my home. I got back into shape with out the constant knee pain stepping in the way. I ordered the arc trianer…
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