vpeinado78 Member


  • ^^this^^ I used to try to run it all - whatever I did (5K, 10K & 1/2) Then after falling off, I came back into running doing intervals. I've not gone back since. The recovery on my body is so much faster and the crazy thing is that my time has drastically changed. My first 1/2 trying to run it through was a bit over 3…
  • I've found compression sleeves really help - either for calves or shins I also found some shin exercises online that seem to help Could it possibly be your speed you're taking off at? Pushing too hard, too soon but not like others have meant... I run with a buddy that's smaller and faster than me - we'd run together - same…
  • What I've noticed helps alot is 'breaking your fast' with a serving of fruit in the AM. Your body may take a bit longer to process what you eat during the day/night. The easiest thing for your body to process is fruit so naturally, fasting thru the night, and eating fruit in the morning - it should help you. Wait about an…
  • I was intaking 1200 calories for a few weeks and would run at least 3 miles a day. It worked to help me lose lbs but not as fast as I'd like. Then, I noticed, I was REALLY hungry and that's all bad for me - because I feel like those days, I could really easily eat & eat. I went to my profile and changed my goal to losing 1…
  • Question: You said you're done having kids - on some sort of bc? When I was on IUD - my periods stopped completely and I didn't like the way I felt. I changed to non-hormonal bc and voila! It came back - I'm 35 so I know what you mean, too soon to have it go away