Lost my period- AGAIN!! ugh!

Ok, here's my story. To get ready for my sister's wedding in Aug 2012, I lost a bit of weight -like 8 lbs, to get into the matron of honor dress. I don't think I was eating enough and I was exercising too much. Saw my dr., had blood work done, etc. Started taking more rest days off from working out and eating more. I am back up to a weight range I want to stay at. It's in the healthy range. My period has been regular since Feb 2013. Now, I am still the same weight. I am working out about 60 mins a day doing cardio/weight training with 1 day of rest.
My period has gone away again! I am training for a 1/2 marathon, but only run 1 day a week.
My plan is now to start doing a rest day (with just walking, etc) every other day.
ex- Tues- run, Wed- rest, Thursday- biggest loser DVD, Fri-rest.

I'm hoping a rest day every other day will bring it back. I DO NOT enjoy my period, and I'm done having kids, I do know that I still need my cycle though- I'm only 36. I'm having a bad day. I just feel like I haven't been overexercising and I have definitely been eating enough! ugh!


  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    Your period could be totally unrelated to your weight. Are you in a healthy weight range for your height and age? What's your body fat.

    The thing in this post that concerns me the most is that you're training for a half marathon and you run ONCE a week? Whaaaaa?!?!?!
  • Pregnant, lol jk seriously its not a big deal if u miss ur period a couple times its normal when your exercising even if ur not over exercising if your worried see your doctor again and get on birth control that should regulate you.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Check with your doctor. 36 could be very early menopause. Could also be low body fat, diet related, stress related, etc.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Speak to your doctor.
  • vpeinado78
    vpeinado78 Posts: 5 Member
    Question: You said you're done having kids - on some sort of bc? When I was on IUD - my periods stopped completely and I didn't like the way I felt. I changed to non-hormonal bc and voila! It came back - I'm 35 so I know what you mean, too soon to have it go away
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,670 Member
    i lose mine all the time because stress

    I get a little money issues or drama with the kids and I'll miss for months at a time until the drama resolves.
  • 5n0wbal1
    5n0wbal1 Posts: 429 Member
    Seriously, are you sure you're not pregnant? I only lose my period with certain types of birth control, serious changes in lifestyle (for example, I didn't get a single period during basic training, and I've never had one while breastfeeding), or pregnancy. You haven't mentioned birth control and you've confirmed that you're not overtraining. You may say you're done having kids, but (unless you know something you haven't told us) your body may say otherwise.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Have you taken a pregnancy test... just in case? Even if you're on BC, there's still a percentage of people that get pregnant. Not to scare you or anything, but I have a friend with 3 birth control babies.

    I also second seeing your doctor. If nothing, you can get an updated blood panel done.
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    Your period could be totally unrelated to your weight. Are you in a healthy weight range for your height and age? What's your body fat.

    The thing in this post that concerns me the most is that you're training for a half marathon and you run ONCE a week? Whaaaaa?!?!?!

    I'm 5'3 and my weight fluctuates between 133-136. So, normal. I don't want to run more than once a week now. I will start to run maybe 2x a week as the date gets closer (march 2014).
    I don't think I'm pregnant- my hubby had a vasectomy. I also know I didn't ovulate after my last period. I KNOW. TMI. I just saw my gyn for my well woman. She wasn't even concerned when I lost it initially, but had all the tests run, etc.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Go back to your doctor.
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    Your period could be totally unrelated to your weight. Are you in a healthy weight range for your height and age? What's your body fat.

    The thing in this post that concerns me the most is that you're training for a half marathon and you run ONCE a week? Whaaaaa?!?!?!

    I'm 5'3 and my weight fluctuates between 133-136. So, normal. I don't want to run more than once a week now. I will start to run maybe 2x a week as the date gets closer (march 2014).
    I don't think I'm pregnant- my hubby had a vasectomy. I also know I didn't ovulate after my last period. I KNOW. TMI. I just saw my gyn for my well woman. She wasn't even concerned when I lost it initially, but had all the tests run, etc.

    Ya, you're at a very healthy weight and it doesn't sound like you over exercise. If you miss another month, I'd go see the doc.

    But on the running....have you ever run 13.1 miles straight? I just know that you should have a base of 30 mpw to even think of finishing an HM. Minimum. I'd hate for you to get injured on the day of. If you're serious about it, try running 4 times a week.
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    Your period could be totally unrelated to your weight. Are you in a healthy weight range for your height and age? What's your body fat.

    The thing in this post that concerns me the most is that you're training for a half marathon and you run ONCE a week? Whaaaaa?!?!?!

    I'm 5'3 and my weight fluctuates between 133-136. So, normal. I don't want to run more than once a week now. I will start to run maybe 2x a week as the date gets closer (march 2014).
    I don't think I'm pregnant- my hubby had a vasectomy. I also know I didn't ovulate after my last period. I KNOW. TMI. I just saw my gyn for my well woman. She wasn't even concerned when I lost it initially, but had all the tests run, etc.

    Ya, you're at a very healthy weight and it doesn't sound like you over exercise. If you miss another month, I'd go see the doc.

    But on the running....have you ever run 13.1 miles straight? I just know that you should have a base of 30 mpw to even think of finishing an HM. Minimum. I'd hate for you to get injured on the day of. If you're serious about it, try running 4 times a week.

    No, I have never run 13.1 miles straight but I did fine on my 10K and I meant running just once a week now. I am going to slowly add to the distance and times per week that I run. I have till March so plenty of time.
    I'll see what happens..