shortsunflower Member


  • You so beautifully put into words what I have been learning on this journey to better health: Keep in mind. Most of those nasty, old messages were things that we decided were true. We didn't fight back against those lies. We let those ugly messages into our brains, where they could destroy our self esteem. Have you imposed…
  • I struggle with the same thing... I go to bed fairly early because I get up early to head to the gym, and I wake up 1.5-2 hours after falling asleep needing to use the restroom and I almost always want to eat. I try to have a reasonable snack about 30 minutes before bed to help with this, but I seem to do it almost…
  • I had radioablation of my thyroid due to Graves disease (severe hyperthyroidism) 10 years ago. I gained over 100 pounds (not just because of my thyroid but didn't help). I have been on Synthroid/levothyroxine for almost the entire time, and I have now lost almost 53 pounds. Even with the supplement I still have many…
  • I still have a long way to go to my ultimate goal, but I am learning that the "mini-goals" along the way are just as worthy of celebration (have lost nearly 53 pounds, want to lose 100-125 more). - The seat belt doesn't cut into my neck anymore - I can actually buckle my seat belt without extreme difficulty - I can bend…
  • In the beginning 7.5 months ago, my husband was on board with me. I told him I had to do better than I was doing and I would not cook separate meals etc. He dropped his Dr. Pepper habit (1-2 44oz drinks a day) and started eating salads, more fruits and veggies, and although he did not exercise because of his severe back…
  • Hi, I just wanted to offer some encouragement. I started out at just under 307 pounds in mid June and have now lost 40 pounds. I too have a long way to go but I just wanted to tell you it IS possible and agree with what others have said... it will NOT come off overnight. I too get impatient when I think of how far I have…