jrapkine Member


  • Hi Everyone! It's kind of hard to believe that I'm in a group about turning 30... some days I totally feel it (I have a 17 month old who really keeps me on my toes!!), and others it feels like high school and college were just yesterday. Here are my stats: Starting Weight: 234 lb Current Weight: 181.4lb Goal Weight: 165…
  • Turning 30 in April too - would love to be part of a group with a goal! I want to lose 15lb by my bday....and hopefully fit into this super cute Tracy Reese dress I haven't been able to wear since my surprise 23rd bday/engagement party!!
  • I do too...but only once a day, right when I wake up in the AM for consistency. I track every morning weigh in on a spreadsheet/graph and I'm okay when some days are up and some are down....overall I have a downward trend of about 6lb a month. When it goes up, as long as I'm being honest with my food logging I know that it…
  • I'm not a new-new mom, but I have a 16 month old and I know how hard it can be to find the time, and also how you feel totally blah after having a baby and having to look at what that did to your body in the mirror. I didn't lose weight before I had a child (like you did - go you!), instead I got pregnant at my heaviest.…
  • Wow! Way to put it in perspective!
  • Baking paleoified things is how I've stuck with paleo since July, for sure. I prefer to eat this way now - I can't see going back to the SAD. I'm pretty obsessed with www.elanaspantry.com - her desserts are AMAZING. She tries to use very few ingredients - if you have eggs, almond flour, salt, and honey, you can make most…
  • I've been eating paleo since July and I absolutely love it. It's the first time in my life that I'm able to really embrace healthy eating as part of my lifestyle and it's so easy! I don't miss bread/cookies/pasta etc because I've figured out how to eat substitutes that are frankly more satisfying. I'm never hungry, as long…
  • I am! Been eating paleo since July and loving it. I had indigestion for 5+ years that I attributed to weight gain...since the day I stopped eating gluten, my need for tums and prescription antacids has completely disappeared! Looks like it wasn't the weight afterall! If you haven't yet found elenaspantry.com, I'm obsessed.…
  • I lurk on here a lot, but I really would love to keep myself accountable to some other folks and add some friends! I have a 16 month old little girl.... I am down 50lb right now (33.5 lost pre-MFP) with about 30 to go... Only 15 of that was baby weight though. The rest was pre-baby weight :tongue: