karyngaffaney Member


  • I am on Day 10. I do not have diagnosed autoimmune issues, but would be interested to know how the plan went for you. I know two people with auto immune issues, and have thought about them and wondered if this would be good for them. Did you try it? Have you had success? One friend is in her 40s, and has a small amount of…
  • I agree, the volume of food was incredible for days 1-3. I had a very difficult time getting through it all. I think the idea is that you should really try to get through it all during the cleanse. In the days following the cleanse, the directions often say "eat until you are full."
  • Hello all -- I am on day 10 of The Plan. I actually started it 17 days ago. After day 6, I was at a cabin for 4 days, without control over my food, and I have also had to add in a few 'safe' days after reactive days. I have been gluten free for a year and a half. I had a tremendous improvement in my physical well-being…