

  • I can't say my life is parallel but its close. I am in my mid 30s, just finishing my masters, was actually around 212 in September. Now I'm 178, people compliment me constantly, I have a new relationship for the first time in years and I love to go shopping. You have to find your motivation but for me, finding a life and…
  • I guess I fall into Other. My kids knew and my mom and sister knew from the start. I didn't tell anyone else but by now, 30 some pounds down, most everyone notices and asks. I tell them I run. Truth. I don't say anything about tracking. Not their business. The handful of people I've told what I have left to lose have been…
  • Trained in the martial arts growing up, so was very active. My mom cooked most of the time although I preferred fast food. Got a job at Mcdoanlds at the age of 16. MISTAKE. I was around 140 the , wearing a size 10 or so. Ate constantly. Quit martial arts. Ate more. Met my future husband and had my son. Really let myself go…
  • I did the same thing. Got down to as low as 175 and then back up as high as 235. Just a "little" over 200., I thought. It sucked. But I'm back down to 180. It still sucks but you can do it
  • I didn't tell anyone other than my kids and sister. It's been the last two weeks that people have really started noticing. I saw a former client I haven't seen in about a year. She didnt recognize me.
  • Somewhat similar. I am 37 and have two children. I am also a business owner and full time student. I started at 212 lbs in early September and weighed in today @ 185. I have done the yo yo dieting for years now and want to get down to 145-150 by next summer.taking the kids on a cruise in August :) and I want to look good…
  • I am one of those that need the accountability of weight watchers. I don't follow the points and I use MFP to count calories. I'm down 25 lbs in about 7 weeks or so. I'm hoping to quit WW within the next month or so. But I've had weight problems most of my life. Knowing I'm weighing in every Tuesday keeps me focused.
  • I started a year ago at 235 (my heaviest ever). Joined MFP at 212 pounds about two months ago and now I'm at 190. I haven't been 140 since middle school so I figured I'd shoot for that. I have mini goals for myself and I'll reevaluate how I look/feel at each one.