

  • Congrats! There really are amazing side effects of eating healthy and working out beyond looking and feeling good. Being healthy from the inside will help ensure you'll live a long life and be able to be active with your children and even their children! :)
  • I have also been not going bare foot at all since the injury. I wear crocs sandals at home and my beloved Mizuno running shoes whenever I exercise or am outside walking. I definitely need some new work shoes though because now that we're past Labor Day, I have to dress business casual again, which means no tennis shoes or…
  • Wow! Thank you everyone for all the excellent responses! I am definitely going to start doing the stretches. I'll have to make sure I am icing it after work and after I work out. I didn't realize that this problem persisted for so long for many of you. I was thinking a month or two of treatment and it would be fixed. Good…
  • I have been using the EatSmart Precision Digital Bathroom Scale for almost the past 2 years. It is currently $28.95 on Amazon w/free shipping. It is rated very highly and although it does not do all the fancy stuff, it is extremely reliable. I can get on the scale, wearing the same clothing, multiple times in a morning and…
  • This is great! I was actually just searching for a veggie lasagna recipe earlier today! Since I'm a sucker for recipes w/beautiful photographs I am totally making yours this weekend!
  • Awesome responses everyone! Thank you so much for all the great suggestions! I am going to try them all out and hopefully there will be some that will truly keep me motivated to stay on this course everyday!