kevinearthsoul Member


  • My point is... the OP of this article may also be suffering from confirmation bias. It all amounts to who's research you trust.
  • Unfortunately, it's bad science to cherry-pick data. Few studies meet everyone's gold-standard. No study is perfect, and anyone can choose to invalidate any study at any time by pointing out its failings. Which leaves us with the question "which studies do you trust"? And Monsanto/Searle/NutraSweet has a lot of money to…
  • Lifetime consumption leads to greater incidence of cancer in rodent study: Leads to dysbiosis in the gut, and increased insulin resistance (might be a cause of the diabetes epidemic). While…
  • I'm doing it in the hopes of giving my body a rest from insulin for a few hours per day. If the system clears the insulin out, it can help reverse insulin resistance (the primary cause of type 2 diabetes).
  • I'm just starting on a regimen of doing a daily 16:8 fast, and a weekly full-day fast (intermittent). I'll let you know how it turns out!
  • Given that you have to take A HUGE amount of it for it to get toxic, I have no problem recommending that most people get more than they do now. There's a reason why Europeans evolved fair skin... those with darker skin were dying due to Vit D deficiencies. It's a "master hormone" vitamin, and is used for so much more than…
  • There's evidence to show that many artificial sweeteners trigger a sugar release from the liver, elevating blood sugars, and causing an insulin reaction, too, which will cause weight gain. Also, many artificial sweeteners are used by farmers to increase the appetite of their livestock to fatten them up. There's also…
  • This is only partially true. The heaviest glycemic LOAD foods are carb sources that are relatively sparse on micronutrients. Grains, starchy vegetables, dairy, and legumes are all high in carbs, but not very nutritionally dense, when compared to above-ground veggies and low-glycemic fruits. Even whole grains, while much…