

  • Sounds like a motivating place to be. I have 33kg to shed. LyricDz
  • I have PCOS and have been diagnosed for 10+ years, though not managed at all really other than them telling me to take an OCP. I began taking metformin (1g mane, 500mg nocte) slow release a couple months ago and I'm hoping it will help with weight loss as I have tried and tried for years with little or really no success. I…
  • THIS is what I want help with. I've been trying to do 1220 calories per day as calculated by MFP but I have been reading a bit and I think it might be too low? According to MFP I should be losing a kg per week on that alone, and I'm not. Plus I'm exercising 3-4 times per week. Getting so frustrated. I have a lot of weight…
  • Oh man. I'm an RN too and I find this really hard. I have to do 5x10hr night shifts a month (I know it's probably not much compared to some) and sometimes its ROUGH. If I'm doing them all in a row like I usually do, I try not to eat through the day at all except for breakfast before bed in the morning, then dinner just…
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