PCOS Ladies



  • kawhie
    kawhie Posts: 12 Member
    I can relate to the original poster. At my last gyno appt I talked with my doctor about the possibility of me having PCOS because I have many symptoms. She agreed it sounded like I could have it, but told me the only cure was to take BC or go on a diet and lose weight. Now I really like this doctor as a gyno and she delivered my first baby as well, but I can't believe she told me those were the ONLY remedies. I had read about Metformin and several people I know are on it. I have had polycystic ovaries since my early twenties. I even had one of my ovaries removed about 3 years ago due to a very large cyst that was in danger of causing my ovary to twist. I've only recently started experiencing excess hair growth on my face, hair falling out like crazy, restless nights where I can't sleep, and I've gained 40+ lbs in the last year. I am trying desperately to lose weight on my own, but I just can't seem to get my ducks in a row. In the past every time I have needed to lose a few lbs, I have always been able to do it. Now it seems quite impossible to me and the only way I seem to lose weight is by restricting my carb intake and that is proving very difficult for me as I crave them like crazy! Feel free to add me if you'd like. I may be going to see an endocrinologist next.

    I feel for you. This was me for years. I finally researched Endo's and found one who specialized in hirsutism. He is amazing. I finally feel like he listens and believes me. Look for one who specializes in PCOS or women's health or hirsutism. I take Metformin 2,000mg and Spiro 100mg daily. I also take Yasmin BC.
  • kawhie
    kawhie Posts: 12 Member
    I also have had similar problems. I have gained about 100 pounds in 2 years and have NO control over it. I have gone months eating 1200-1400 cals and working out 1-2 hours a day and still gained weight. I also see an endocrinologist and a OBGYN who both say I have PCOS, but wont put me on anything other than birth control-which I dont want to be on because it never helped me lose weight before. I have low thyroid, low blood sugar, and somewhat high insulin. Right now(for the last 2 weeks) I have been doing body by vi and eat about 900-1100 cals a day and work out about an hour a day, and havent lost any weight. I really dont know what to do and am really frustrated. If anyone can offer advice on their experience I would appreciate it!

    Time to go see a new Endo. Can't treat PCOS with BC, only masks symptoms. Find one who specializes in PCOS or hirsutism. Dropped 15lbs in the first three months that I was on Met.
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Any one who lives in AZ , near AZ or any where else that is willing to fly, drive whatever to get properly treated for your Hormonal and endocrine issues pm me! See my post above and read my blog. All you need is one visit, and all the rest can be done by email, phone or fax!
  • kawhie
    kawhie Posts: 12 Member
    I diabetic diet works great too btw, i have been following one for the most part and i eat ALL the time.. Food choices have been a big factor as i am a massive chow hound. Simple tweaking of recipes ect. Like chili is one of my fav things in winter but tomato is high in sugar for a diabetic diet. So i opt for a white chili with turkey or chicken breast (ground) lentils and black eyed peas make a great sub for starchy kidney beans and it tastes amazing and bout 200 cal a serving! I been doing little swaps like that with most of my foods and looking for non white? flour type items.


    I am not a diabetic but I have insulin resistance and am on Metformin. My dietician put me on a diabetic diet…. this diet includes:

    1400 kcal
    30-45 g of carbs per meal
    15-30 g carbs per snack

    I am allowed 3 meals a day and 3 snacks a day. Give it a try.

    If you work out do you eat back your calories? Is this formula based on your BMR?
  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    I HAD PCOS and Insulin Resistance. I lost 101 pounds on the Insulin Resistance and it cured both things.

    Low carb is the only way to lose weight with PCOS. It's a long journey but worth it. =)
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    Im on 1200 cal, 135g carb. I eat back most but not all of the calories I burn. Since i started eating back the loss is slower but greater rewards with muscle building and toning as well as less fatigue n muscle aches (also im not diabetic either, just follow the diet for pcos insulin resistance. Diabetic websites are great for recipes :D ) My calorie n carb suggestions are from the hospital nutritionist. On high work out days I eat upwards 2k cal :D
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2009. I tried Metformin, was allergic to it. I tried Spironolactone. I stayed on it for a year. I got an abdominal scan. My cysts were gone. I stopped taking the Spironolactone and they have never come back. Don't want to say it "cured" me but that's kind of how it feels.
  • Your doc is an idiot. If you have PCOS you have insulin resistance. Get a new doc. I'm serious. How did they diagnose you? I would go to Reproductive endocrinologist if possible or just an endocrinologist. You don't have to have all the system to have PCOS but everyone who has PCOS has insulin resistance.

    I have excess hair growth
    scalp hair loss
    carry all my fat in my stomach
    when I am over 200lbs I don't menstruate

    I do not have cysts on my ovaries and my hormones are technically in the "normal" range.

    That is not true. You can have pcos and not have insulin resistance. I had that which was why I reacted so horribly to the metformin. They put me on Spironolactone and the cysts went away and never came back.
  • "Time to go see a new Endo. Can't treat PCOS with BC, only masks symptoms. Find one who specializes in PCOS or hirsutism. Dropped 15lbs in the first three months that I was on Met."

    I have actually tried Metformin but at a very low dose-I think 25 mg bc my endo was concerned about my blood sugar/insulin ratio. I was on it for about 3 months and just didnt feel any better and didnt lose any weight. I dont know if I should ask my endo to put me back on it at a higher dose? From your earlier post you said you had a hard time getting a doctor to believe you about your weight. I feel like I am asking and asking all of my doctors to help me and none of the believe that I am really trying to lose weight. I am seeing one of the best endos in my area so I am hesitant to leave her, but I hate feeling like she thinks I just want an easy fix with meds and that I really am not dieting/exercising.
  • Your doc is an idiot. If you have PCOS you have insulin resistance. Get a new doc. I'm serious. How did they diagnose you? I would go to Reproductive endocrinologist if possible or just an endocrinologist. You don't have to have all the system to have PCOS but everyone who has PCOS has insulin resistance.

    I have excess hair growth
    scalp hair loss
    carry all my fat in my stomach
    when I am over 200lbs I don't menstruate

    I do not have cysts on my ovaries and my hormones are technically in the "normal" range.

    Yes Yes Yes! I am exactly the same way
  • StusPrincess08
    StusPrincess08 Posts: 36 Member
    Same as above! I am on no medication for PCOS or anything else

    Hi I also have PCOS. I am "fixed" lol and have had an Ablation! that did'nt work. I started at 185-190lbs and I am now 121. I work out (Body Beast at the monent) 5-6 days a week and try to stay around 1380 cals a day.
  • rbrducky
    rbrducky Posts: 34 Member
    I have pcos too, and a lot of weight to lose!! I would love to have some pcos cysters to help me make it through this journey. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • ffargynnig
    ffargynnig Posts: 60 Member
    Polycystic newly diagnosed. I haven't noticed any symptoms other then lack of menstruation.
  • Cinloykko
    Cinloykko Posts: 117 Member
    doctors are sooooo stupid!!! i had to go through so many of them just to be properly DX... and i am by no means a mild case :(
    I never ever had a period that wasnt induced by BC (that meant that my FIRST period EVER was when i was 18.. when i found a doc that believed me!!! i repeat 18!!! sheesh!), horrible cystic ruptures that sends me to the hospital, horrible acne, thinning head hair, and i gained 65+ pounds within one year... and im insulin resistant + pre-diabetic + anemic + vitamin D and B deficit (some of these symptoms arent necessarily proven to be a part of PCOS but ive been researching for a long time now and a lot of PCOS ladies also have these and i am convinced these are somehow related). Even with all this, the first 7 docs i went to still said it was nothing and that i just needed to exercise and eat properly. one doc even tried to tell me I was fat because I was just lazyyyyyy... BULL****!!! my 8th doc finally accepted my symptoms for truth and gave me the right support and meds.... and for me, it wasnt even about the meds! (they help, but FOR ME, they didnt really help with weight loss... they helped with my other symptoms though). it was more about having someone, a medical doctor, believing me and giving me the right support.

    lol. sorry for the rant. seeing that you are struggling to find a doc to help you reminded me of my struggles and that gets me mad.

    anyways, PCOS makes losing weight harder without meds but its not impossible. lots of ladies with PCOS do not get Dx or they choose not take meds for it. just keep in mind that it will be a slower process. try to limit your CARBS! stick to low carb if you can. and low GI-foods are always better. do cardio, but strength training is really important too! log everything you eat...YOU CAN DO IT!

    metformin isnt a miracle med though.. and lots of people have bad sideffects from it.... losing weight is supposed to help a LOT (even though its hard to lose with Pcos... oh what a vicious cycle. lol)

    TL;DR: low carb, high protein, high fiber, and medium fat. strength training with some cardio! its gonna be slow but steady... meds arent required but may help. GOOD LUCK!
  • I have PCOS and have been diagnosed for 10+ years, though not managed at all really other than them telling me to take an OCP. I began taking metformin (1g mane, 500mg nocte) slow release a couple months ago and I'm hoping it will help with weight loss as I have tried and tried for years with little or really no success. I have about 30kg to lose so I need all the help I can get. What has been your experiences with dosages? Should I be taking 2g? Do you guys take regular or slow release? What does spirinolactone do for PCOS to those who take it? Sorry for all the questions.
  • I have PCOS for almost 13years.6 years ago I lost 20kg by using metformin (500mg, 3times per day ). after getting pregnant I gain 25kg and now I have 20kg to loose.
    I hope that metformin and doing exercises help me to achieve my goal again.
  • balletpolegirl
    balletpolegirl Posts: 73 Member
    I have PCOS, I have Cysts, acne, weight gain, excess hair, a lack of periods and a lack of energy.

    The only thing I have been told to do by a doctor was to 'manage my weight' (put politely I think!). Nobody seems to want to offer any solutions.

    I also have binge eating disorder so really struggle to diet without ending up binging, and also struggle with the disappointment of slow weight loss due to the PCOS.
  • KatyAverill
    KatyAverill Posts: 166 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 14. My doctor (at the time) put me on Metformin when I was 19, but I had to stop taking it because it caused me to have a pancreatitis attack. I've struggled with my weight ever since puberty. My highest was 215, I went down to the 160s by exercising a TON, and since starting a full time job I went back up to 175.

    Last month my doctor suggested cutting out gluten and eating a low carb paleo diet. I'm a pescetarian, so that has meant lots of veggies, fish, and nuts. In the first week I felt better, was no longer bloated, and I lost 9 pounds-then I cheated on Thanksgiving and I just started eating that way again this week. I'm determined to stick with it this time because of how much better I felt.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    PCOS'er here good results w/ portion control and avoiding caloric drinks. 37 weeks pregnant after a 75lb loss
  • Your doc is an idiot. If you have PCOS you have insulin resistance. Get a new doc. I'm serious. How did they diagnose you? I would go to Reproductive endocrinologist if possible or just an endocrinologist. You don't have to have all the system to have PCOS but everyone who has PCOS has insulin resistance.

    I have excess hair growth
    scalp hair loss
    carry all my fat in my stomach
    when I am over 200lbs I don't menstruate

    I do not have cysts on my ovaries and my hormones are technically in the "normal" range.

    Yes Yes Yes! I am exactly the same way

    NOT TRUE!!!