

  • Hi, I'm adding you know :)
  • Nice to meet you Hannah. I'm always looking for motivation friends :)
  • Well I know a person also that eats only at late hours. Hmmm she mostly don't eat for a lot of hours, I don't think that is healthy, I think your metabolism is in trouble. Of course you can't force yourself to eat, but you should try not to starve your stumic. Try eating every couple of hours small position of food. (Like…
  • Wow definitely busy week. You should try to tell someone, except here, although I understand why you don't. I'm sorry for your trouble, if you want to talk I'm a great listening.
  • Thanks guys I'm so happy do receive friend requests.
  • I get it, I am tired everyday, fighting the same battle against myself. But there is nothing more supportive then friends
  • Hi Justin nice to meet you. First of all good job, I am happy your on a good path :) You really changed your habits so maybe there is hope for the rest of us too.
  • First of all I'm so sorry, what a jerk. Second, I can literally write a book about eating my emotion. I really can't tell you what to do to prevent it besides maybe seek professional help, maybe to talk about it will help you. But every time I get depressed, I search for other things that make me happy except food. Try…
  • i really want to say "don't ever give up" but i am the last person that can say that , especially since today i thought the same thought as well. but i didnt, i held up it's a struggle everyday and i am basically as stuck as you, but i want to think that the next weighting will show better results, i have to think that if…
  • i know what you mean. on my first time Dieting i lost so much weight i was so happy and without realising i gained all of it back since then, its been a struggle everyday. i wish i could maintain some sort of discipline as well. the thing is the people around me keep seeing me fail i cant say its not killing me a little…
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