

  • Hey Ladies, I hear what you're screaming...I scream that too! I have found that for the whole "my time of the month thing" that if I buy the chocolate, and measure it out into small (keyword is SMALL) portions in individual bags, I can keep control of what I'm putting in my mouth. I also allow myself to eat every single…
  • Thanks for sharing that, it helps to know I'm not the only one who occasionally wishes I could time travel...and slap myself. blessings, britt
  • My great Aunt Eleanor knitted me a sweater...I spent most of my time trying to come up with creative ways to NOT wear it...nevertheless, I wish you great success.
  • Oh Sweet Mercy....I am on the floor over here! I have always wondered about drugs with truly evil side effects, like the social anxiety'll be able to go out in public to date and have friends....but you will also have patchy hair loss, halitosis and uncontrollable flatulence. Soooo...what you're saying is, I…
  • Wow...I am considered well-above average in intelligence, but even I would have had trouble with that much math! I wish you the best in your quest, Master Jedi...
  • I am confused by the numbers here at MFP...If there are 9 calories in a gram of fat, 5 in protein and 4 in carbohydrate, and I actually met their goals, I would almost triple my allowable calories for the day? What goal should i be aiming for? CONFUSED... BTW, I so don't do math...