

  • Again thank you all for the feedback. I feel so stupid for complaining about my problems to complete strangers but it's the only way i can get raw feedback. My best friend loves my boyfriend but, he always tells me I'm more important to him than any guy i date and if any of my boyfriends hurt me that he'll always be there…
  • I think its a good thing that you upped your intake and how much you would lose a week because according to my professor here at my college losing any more than .5-2 lbs is actually water weight and will negate your results in the long run.
  • Because so many of you have replied to this post i will generalize my reply. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! And all of you were so right! He isn't worth my time anymore. We have been through so much, we got engaged so early in our relationship, set a date, i picked out my ring and his and began making the wedding plans since our…
  • Thank you both for welcoming me to this program! I know it's not going to be easy to get fit and ready for bathing suit season (especially since i just ordered a large Stinger sub, fries and a coke from the pizza place down the street). I'm not trying to lose weight exactly, i'm 116 lbs and do not consider myself over…