Hello all!

bdewitt92 Posts: 8
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
:smile: My name is Bailey and I'm a college student. It's my first year, second semester. i'm taking a healthful living class and was required to join myfitnesspal.com for an assignment. I'm one of those people that always says they want to be fit and eat better and then never does it. This program has helped me to have the motivation that i needed. If anyone has any tips to keep me on track i'm all ears!


  • yenohamk
    yenohamk Posts: 117
    Hi Bailey!

    First off, I want to say kudos to your professor! Second, this site is great. So much of losing weight is keeping yourself accountable, so if you can stick with this site and be honest with yourself, you'll do great in the long-term, too. I know college schedules can get hectic because not only do you have to think about the present with exams and keeping up with assignments, but then you have to think about your long-term goals and get involved in activities that will help you achieve them, and all of that obviously takes time. So there's a lot on you with just that. Exercise really is going to help you get through. I don't know if you currently exercise, but it's important to find even 15 minutes and put it in your schedule and stick to your schedule. And if you really can't do that, find a way to add more steps to your day (park farther away, take the stairs instead of the elevators, take a break in between studying to do some chair dips or wall sits). Not sure what you do, but if you do something, great!

    Best of luck on your weight loss and your class!!
  • popsicle33
    popsicle33 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi Bailey
    Welcome. My name is Amy.

    I must say the most motivating parts of this is making friends who help keep me accountable for my actions. The chance to blog about my experience here has really helped me review and reflect on why I do and how I feel when I do it.

    I think what has also been helpful is the opportunity to plan my meals out, using the food diary. I usually plan a high-fiber breakfast with skim milk and coffee to start my day, and I take to work some kind of Healthy Choice frozen meal to heat in the microwave, with a side of yogurt and fruit.

    I'll send you a friend request. Glad you decided to join (even though it's for school!)
  • Thank you both for welcoming me to this program! I know it's not going to be easy to get fit and ready for bathing suit season (especially since i just ordered a large Stinger sub, fries and a coke from the pizza place down the street). I'm not trying to lose weight exactly, i'm 116 lbs and do not consider myself over weight in any way. but, since i have met my wonderful boyfriend i have become comfortable and have lost the need to have a perfect self-image. what kind of exercises would help my mid-section the most? My goal is more muscle and less fat :) Thanks again for the wonderful warm welcome.
  • Hi, my name is Helen and I live in London, Ontario. I am a busy high school teacher. I started this one week ago. Whenever I dieted before I kept it under 1,000 calories. However this plan says 1200. Most days I don't use up the 1200 calories. I am on prednisone and other medications, I wonder if these are affecting my opportunities for success.

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