latinmix328 Member


  • Ugh I'm 4'9! I went from 160-210 lbs in 1 year. Being that ur short also u can imagine how hard all of this weight is. Hoping for some motivation myself.
  • I have one after gaining weight and than getting pregnant. It's huge and depresses me. I once had a 22" waist and now it almost 50" and hangs. It is so low it's hard to find shirts to cover. I'm 4'9 and now weigh about 210lbs so have a lot to lose. So scared of the skin though. I really need a confidence boost because I'm…
  • Thank boggles my mind how much food has controlled me... But I know I'm the only 1 that get control back. It's just so hard fighting cravings n even just getting off the couch. Ughhhh. Such a struggle. But I know I can do it