Gaining gaining gaining

I'm sorta new to mfp. I signed up months ago but haven't really utilized it. Well, I'm 4'9 and weigh about 210 lbs. last year this Time I was 170. So yup 40 lbs in a yr!!! I had a baby 2 years ago n now I have a HUGE overhanging belly. My waist used to be 22" n now is over double. I suffer from alopecia as well and have lost so much of my hair. Needless to say I am sooooo depressed! I feel like a monster. I guess I keep gaining because I have become a bit of a hermit. Not wanting to leave because of my appearance n I find myself wallowing in self pity, laying around n getting take out. I was once beautiful and now feel completely opposite of that. Maybe hearing that other people were once there n came out of it is what I need because I am no longer who I used to be.


  • mellyw78
    mellyw78 Posts: 14 Member
    One meal at a time, one day at a time and you'll start to see changes. All you need to do is plan ahead for your meals, try better quality or healthier take outs if you're not into cooking, or cook simple meats with vegetables. Eat healthy snacks like fruit or nuts. Drink plenty of water. Thinking consciously about what goes in your mouth and what your goal is, can help to avoid over eating.

    Log your meals and snacks as you eat them and it will give you your daily tally of how much you have eaten and how many calories are left on your allowance. Try not to go too low too quickly. If you eat large meals, cut down slowly or you'll feel like you're starving yourself and you'll only end up eating a big binge meal and feeling guilty/hopeless/sad for it and stopping altogether.

    Have faith that you can do it. If there is more output than input, weight will go down. If there is more input than output, weight will go up. Being somewhat of a hermit may not be conducive to getting a lot of exercise, but even try walks around your house and lifting dumbbells or other items in your house in place of them as a form of exercise.

    Most of all, don't give up.
  • latinmix328
    latinmix328 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank boggles my mind how much food has controlled me... But I know I'm the only 1 that get control back. It's just so hard fighting cravings n even just getting off the couch. Ughhhh. Such a struggle. But I know I can do it