froggiejen Member


  • Thanks for the reply and information kcvance! I know what you mean about feeling like crap on a stick and feeling weird after eating. I swear since my diagnosis I have been driving myself crazy...I feel like I went from asymptomatic to hypercondriac...every little thing has got me worried..grrrr :-/ I am anxious to know…
  • Hi Toadqueen Thank you so much for your reply and your support. :-) You've got my support too :-) The referral has been approved thru my insurance to see an Endocrinologist and I have my appt on 10/1. My regular Dr has me taking 5000 iu of Vitamin D daily which I started last week....and will retest my bloodwork at the end…
  • Hi Everyone! I was just diagnosed with Hashimoto's today. Apparently I am asymptomatic and had no idea until my physical appt last week (it had been over 15 years since my last one). My initial blood work showed my TSH level was really low at .006. Upon further testing my T4 and T3 levels were normal but my antibodies was…