LizMaddPear Member


  • People have already covered what I would have said, and the OP has recognised that their post isn't a one-size-fits-all solution (heck, that concept doesn't even apply to CLOTHES!), but I'd just like to link to this Cracked article- Y'know, for a…
  • Ah? I sit corrected. :-) Disclaimer- I don't do 5:2 myself, just know a couple of people who do, and if I wasn't in a situation where I could control my food intake as precisely as I can I would look into it. My opinion was a guess really, based on my own past experience of physically active work, but everyone is…
  • 2 days of 500 cals., 5 days of normal eating, as long as one doesn't go overboard with an 'I can eat anything I want on these days!' mindset. It apparently works wonderfully for some people but not so well for others- can't imagine it's much good for people who have very physically active working days, but desk-sitters…
  • Duplicate- meant to quote but hit the wrong button.