

  • Sounds like you are in a good place. Get a journal. Place a fat pick on the inside cover, List all your reasons for losing weight. THat creates your why. Next envision living in your new skinny body, imagine everything,what it feels like to be in your new skinny body then write that down with as many details as possible.…
  • I have been there and boy are you lucky to relaize you are doing it to yourself!!! your not living in denial now you can get mad and do something about it. Otherwise before you know it you will be wearing two sizes bigger. SO just realize keeping off the weight is going to be way harder than just losing because your not…
  • Depends on how long you want to diet for. I have found that if i add some almond milk to my coffee its enough protien to get me to my first snack in about two hours after vigorous excersize then i have a real breakfast one cup milk and oatmeal and a scoop of some awesome protien shake, THis seems to work best for me…
  • I have it took me three years of slow and steady loss. It can be done!!! DONT give up!!! I am having a heard time finding others who have lost the weight by diet and exersize only.