Is breakfast necessary??



  • bethanp
    bethanp Posts: 72 Member
    Tehnically it isn't necessary. However, for me personally, I find myself to be a complete grump if I don't eat breakfast. It doesn't have to be anything huge, maybe a banana and a handful of almonds. I know if I don't eat breakfast, I'm ravenous the rest of the day but that might not be the same case for you.

    I would say that if you workout in the morning, you probably need eat something to refuel afterwards though.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    OHHHHH Kelsey......
    Eat breakfast. Your body hasn't eaten for 10-12 hours and it needs nourishment. You'll be more aware and awake, and you'll be less likely to overeat at lunch and dinner.

    So you dont have better cognitive function while fasted?

    Skip breakfast and sleep in.
    Youll benefit from:

    Better GH output
    Lower insulin levels (lipolysis is better in this state)
    Better insulin sensitivity (helps with p-ratio)
    Increased catecholamines (helps boost resting energy expenditure)

    So by skipping breakfast you get increased fat oxidation with muscle sparing too.....

    I'm game!
  • lizayjay
    lizayjay Posts: 7 Member
    Tough question. So many possible answers.

    Personally, I don't think that it's necessary.

    Like many people here have said already, it's helpful during the process of weight loss since it will keep you from binging later on during the day and night, and it also helps curb cravings.

    But in my personal experience, I've never been able to get into the cycle of eating breakfast every day just because I have a sensitive stomach and when I do eat even a light breakfast, I feel very bloated and I get a stomach ache.

    I also workout in the mornings, so I don't eat before my workout since our bodies naturally burn carbs for energy and when you wake up, you don't have any carbs to burn, so your body naturally switches over to fat to burn. I also see results faster when I don't eat before my morning workout. But I DO eat a small something something, like fruit or some granola AFTER my workout. Otherwise, if you workout and DONT eat anything before or after, your body is going to be craving nutrition and if you don't give it any, it will eat away at your muscles, instead of your fat areas.

    I hope this helps!

    Again, these are my personal views and opinions. They may not be scientifically correct and what not, but they are what work for me and my personal goals.
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    No one can make you or convince you to do anything. But what I have learned is this-eating a healthy breakfast 10 minutes of waking up boosts your metabolism! It speeds it up. It gets your body going for the day. I'll admit, I was one of those people who skipped breakfast, it took me awhile to get used to it. Start out eating small things like a banana with your coffee or tea. Yogurt with some flaxseed. Gradually add foods and you'll eventually want to eat breakfast!
  • still_crafty
    still_crafty Posts: 682 Member
    I'm not hungry when I first wake up, either, but I generally eat about 1.5 -2 hours after I'm up. I try to eat every 3-4 hours after that to keep myself from getting out of control hungry (or b!tchy).

    ^^ this exactly. I don't eat breakfast until I get to work 2.5 hours after I get up. I have a snack around 10:30, eat lunch around 1:30, eat a protein bar around 4:00 before my workout and then have dinner around 7:00. I usually don't eat after I've had dinner but the late night banana and peanut butter snack has been known to make an appearance if I'm up past 10:30 or 11:00.
  • FireBrand80
    FireBrand80 Posts: 378 Member
    No one can make you or convince you to do anything. But what I have learned is this-eating a healthy breakfast 10 minutes of waking up boosts your metabolism! It speeds it up. It gets your body going for the day. I'll admit, I was one of those people who skipped breakfast, it took me awhile to get used to it. Start out eating small things like a banana with your coffee or tea. Yogurt with some flaxseed. Gradually add foods and you'll eventually want to eat breakfast!

    Remember, kids: To lose weight, force feed yourself.
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    I suggest drinking a smoothie.

    You can make it a protein smoothie if you want. I add a scoop of strawberry protein.

    What I have:

    8 oz. (1 cup) unsweetened almond milk
    1/2 c. oats
    1 c. assorted fruit, fresh or frozen
    ice if needed
    Blend it all up!
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    I have to force myself to eat in the morning. I try and remember but it does not always happen. I have seen loss with and without eating breakfast. When I workout in the AM there is no eating prior to the gym. My guts cannot take it. After the gym I will have a shake or something.

    It's all personal preference and success can come from both avenues. Test them out and see what works for you.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Personal preference. If it works for you and you don't overeat later in the day, then don't eat it. If you get out of control hungry in the morning, eat. Most days I eat breakfast, but it is a few hours after I wake up. Some days I don't eat it. I lose weight either way.
    sarcasm/ I guess I must be the special snowflake whose metabolism just doesn't stop as soon as I go to sleep. /sarcasm
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    No. It's not. Eat when you're hungry.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Necessary - No.

    Awesome - Yes.

    this :drinker:
  • Depends on how long you want to diet for. I have found that if i add some almond milk to my coffee its enough protien to get me to my first snack in about two hours after vigorous excersize then i have a real breakfast one cup milk and oatmeal and a scoop of some awesome protien shake, THis seems to work best for me because i get moody if i am hungry. Find what works best for you!
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    I've been told it's important to help ward off a noon time pig out. I dont know about that but its definitely my favorite meal of the day.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    My advice? Don't listen to the advice on here. Too many opinions, too many people who think they know all the things about diet and fitness.

    I actually agree with you.

    I think the best thing anyone can do is to research a subject themselves with an open mind to find out what the correct position is rather than listen to anecdotal evidence or prevailing wisdom.

    People may be surprised what they find however....
  • Eat breakfast. Your body hasn't eaten for 10-12 hours and it needs nourishment. You'll be more aware and awake, and you'll be less likely to overeat at lunch and dinner.
  • FireBrand80
    FireBrand80 Posts: 378 Member
    I've been told it's important to help ward off a noon time pig out. I dont know about that but its definitely my favorite meal of the day.

    how about some noon time will power?
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    My advice? Don't listen to the advice on here. Too many opinions, too many people who think they know all the things about diet and fitness.

    There are quite a few people here that are more knowledgeable on here than some nutritionists and dieticians to be quite honest.
  • I hate eating breakfast so i either have a protein shake that i make a whole bunch of and keep in the fridge or scrambled eggs. I'm all about quick and easy.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    <snip>But what I have learned is this-eating a healthy breakfast 10 minutes of waking up boosts your metabolism! It speeds it up. <snip>

    I'll quote a friend on here....

    "Stop making things up!"
  • I really didn't start losing any weight until I ate breakfast. Bowl of Oatmeal every morning. I find myself with more energy in the morning and not that hungry at lunch. The only downside I have noticed is that I am more hungry at dinner time. I also have 2 snacks during the day, one at around 10 and the other at around 2:30.