

  • That's actually one of my favourite things to read in Cosmo. The dating horror stories. We all have them. Hell, I have actually gone on dates where we laughed about awkward first meetings to break the awkwardness. Experiences and stories are a definite part of dating!
  • Absolute turn offs on a date? I would think that these would annoy me to no end. We are however all very different in regards to tolerances. Still, the following irk me... 1) Bragging about how much money you make / how absolutely important you are at your job. 2) Constantly checking your phone or texting while on a date.…
  • I adore my FitBit Force. Wasn't sure what to expect but I am absolutely loving it. I realized I was seriously over-estimating my activities (Brisk walk, walk, very brisk walk, cross-country and mountain climbing) thinking I had way more calories to spare than I actually did. Obviously it IS a frivolous gadget and I won't…