Early Stages of Dating -- No-Nos



  • AZDaisy75
    Absolute turn offs on a date? I would think that these would annoy me to no end. We are however all very different in regards to tolerances. Still, the following irk me...

    1) Bragging about how much money you make / how absolutely important you are at your job.

    2) Constantly checking your phone or texting while on a date.

    3) Talking about your kids and constantly steering non-kid people to talking about your kids. It's a date. Come on.

    4) Talking about how quickly women fall into bed with you. I'm sure they do. Roofies are awesome.

    5) Being a really boring conversation person. Idle chitchat is fun when you wait for a bus. If you have something in common, tell me about a fun snorkeling, motorcycle or travel story. Who doesn't want to talk about stuff they can relate to?

    6) Saying "Like" or "Uhm" a lot. Yes, you're nervous. And I'm not???

    7) People that list things. Kind of like this. I'm annoying myself.

    8) *****ing about your parents, your ex, your boss... You can't blame everyone for your hardships. I do however want to thank you in advance for warning me that you're a pansy and blame your parent's divorce for the fact that you suck at life.

    9) Don't have a weird obsession with your mom. We all love our parents infinitely (okay maybe not all but I sure adore my mum and dad) but a dude talking about how his "Mom is my best friend" and "Nobody will ever be as good as my mom" screams Oedipus uninterrupted. Cut this one off... immediately.

    10) Don't make an excuse or apologize for a random boner. It happens. Enjoy it while it happens. And that we still do it for you.

    I'm at work making lots of money and I am super important. I better stop screwing around on company time.

    Good luck and enjoy the new single status. It's an exciting journey. Have fun. The internet actually allows for chance encounters with like minded people we may otherwise not get to meet in person. Yay!
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    id have to go on a date to have any stories first. feelsbatman.

    when will it be my turn for the awkward date

    ^This. From what I've read here, dates are freakin' hilarious.
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    Good luck and enjoy the new single status. It's an exciting journey. Have fun. The internet actually allows for chance encounters with like minded people we may otherwise not get to meet in person. Yay!

    Thank you! It's been a fun and interesting ride thus far. I'm not looking for a relationship but the stories I'm acquiring with each date just keep getting better.
  • AZDaisy75
    That's actually one of my favourite things to read in Cosmo. The dating horror stories. We all have them. Hell, I have actually gone on dates where we laughed about awkward first meetings to break the awkwardness. Experiences and stories are a definite part of dating!
  • wanna_b_there
    wanna_b_there Posts: 295 Member
    Junk pics the next morning. Grabbing your thing. Texting during the date.

    Definitely texting during the date ...

    texting pics of the grabbing is really bad lol
  • wndrwmn86
    wndrwmn86 Posts: 507 Member
    Went on a date last night...you tell me what you think...

    His best friend is his ex wife...awesome they have a kid together glad they are able to keep it pleasant. Was on Facebook during dinner... going to be with his ex wife today going furniture shopping and last but not least felt like odds were against him being married again because every marriage after the first was only going to last half as long as the previous and he read that only getting remarried to an ex had potential for lasting.

    I should mention I did not bring up the topics of marriage or his ex.

    Should I be concerned there?
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Absolute turn offs on a date? I would think that these would annoy me to no end. We are however all very different in regards to tolerances. Still, the following irk me...

    1) Bragging about how much money you make / how absolutely important you are at your job.

    2) Constantly checking your phone or texting while on a date.

    3) Talking about your kids and constantly steering non-kid people to talking about your kids. It's a date. Come on.

    4) Talking about how quickly women fall into bed with you. I'm sure they do. Roofies are awesome.

    5) Being a really boring conversation person. Idle chitchat is fun when you wait for a bus. If you have something in common, tell me about a fun snorkeling, motorcycle or travel story. Who doesn't want to talk about stuff they can relate to?

    6) Saying "Like" or "Uhm" a lot. Yes, you're nervous. And I'm not???

    7) People that list things. Kind of like this. I'm annoying myself.

    8) *****ing about your parents, your ex, your boss... You can't blame everyone for your hardships. I do however want to thank you in advance for warning me that you're a pansy and blame your parent's divorce for the fact that you suck at life.

    9) Don't have a weird obsession with your mom. We all love our parents infinitely (okay maybe not all but I sure adore my mum and dad) but a dude talking about how his "Mom is my best friend" and "Nobody will ever be as good as my mom" screams Oedipus uninterrupted. Cut this one off... immediately.

    10) Don't make an excuse or apologize for a random boner. It happens. Enjoy it while it happens. And that we still do it for you.

    I'm at work making lots of money and I am super important. I better stop screwing around on company time.

    Good luck and enjoy the new single status. It's an exciting journey. Have fun. The internet actually allows for chance encounters with like minded people we may otherwise not get to meet in person. Yay!

    5. I'm a terrible conversationalist.

    10. The only acceptable response to this is, "Don't act like you're not impressed." or blaming it on the pleats creating an optical illusion.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Went on a date last night...you tell me what you think...

    His best friend is his ex wife...awesome they have a kid together glad they are able to keep it pleasant. Was on Facebook during dinner... going to be with his ex wife today going furniture shopping and last but not least felt like odds were against him being married again because every marriage after the first was only going to last half as long as the previous and he read that only getting remarried to an ex had potential for lasting.

    I should mention I did not bring up the topics of marriage or his ex.

    Should I be concerned there?

    Are you already thinking about marrying him? Maybe he should be concerned. :wink:
  • wndrwmn86
    wndrwmn86 Posts: 507 Member
    Went on a date last night...you tell me what you think...

    His best friend is his ex wife...awesome they have a kid together glad they are able to keep it pleasant. Was on Facebook during dinner... going to be with his ex wife today going furniture shopping and last but not least felt like odds were against him being married again because every marriage after the first was only going to last half as long as the previous and he read that only getting remarried to an ex had potential for lasting.

    I should mention I did not bring up the topics of marriage or his ex.

    Should I be concerned there?

    Are you already thinking about marrying him? Maybe he should be concerned. :wink:

    Nah he brought it up, I was more concerned with maybe hes not over his ex. Nice guy though and I enjoyed myself on our date, if he does want to be with her I just don't want to get drug into it.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Went on a date last night...you tell me what you think...

    His best friend is his ex wife...awesome they have a kid together glad they are able to keep it pleasant. Was on Facebook during dinner... going to be with his ex wife today going furniture shopping and last but not least felt like odds were against him being married again because every marriage after the first was only going to last half as long as the previous and he read that only getting remarried to an ex had potential for lasting.

    I should mention I did not bring up the topics of marriage or his ex.

    Should I be concerned there?

    Are you already thinking about marrying him? Maybe he should be concerned. :wink:

    Nah he brought it up, I was more concerned with maybe hes not over his ex. Nice guy though and I enjoyed myself on our date, if he does want to be with her I just don't want to get drug into it.

    He sounds a little immature. My dad remarried, and has been with his second wife more than twice as long as he was with my mom. Tell him to stop reading Cosmo and live a little. I would be careful with this one so you don't end up getting hurt.
  • wndrwmn86
    wndrwmn86 Posts: 507 Member
    Thanks cupcake I will :)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Thanks cupcake I will :)

  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    Went on a date last night...you tell me what you think...

    His best friend is his ex wife...awesome they have a kid together glad they are able to keep it pleasant. Was on Facebook during dinner... going to be with his ex wife today going furniture shopping and last but not least felt like odds were against him being married again because every marriage after the first was only going to last half as long as the previous and he read that only getting remarried to an ex had potential for lasting.

    I should mention I did not bring up the topics of marriage or his ex.

    Should I be concerned there?

    Are you already thinking about marrying him? Maybe he should be concerned. :wink:

    Nah he brought it up, I was more concerned with maybe hes not over his ex. Nice guy though and I enjoyed myself on our date, if he does want to be with her I just don't want to get drug into it.

    He sounds a little immature. My dad remarried, and has been with his second wife more than twice as long as he was with my mom. Tell him to stop reading Cosmo and live a little. I would be careful with this one so you don't end up getting hurt.

    I would say yellow light. Just be mindful and enjoy your time with him.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Haven't dated since the '80s. Thank God!
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Fourth date. He invited me over for dinner which obviously meant things. I was totally ok with that since I liked this guy a lot, but I was sort of living it one day at a time and I had no rush to make things serious.
    Turns out he had bought me a toothbrush in case I wanted to sleep over... It was sooo weird :laugh:
    We've been together for 2+ years :flowerforyou:
  • wndrwmn86
    wndrwmn86 Posts: 507 Member
    Fourth date. He invited me over for dinner which obviously meant things. I was totally ok with that since I liked this guy a lot, but I was sort of living it one day at a time and I had no rush to make things serious.
    Turns out he had bought me a toothbrush in case I wanted to sleep over... It was sooo weird :laugh:
    We've been together for 2+ years :flowerforyou:

    That's cute.. :flowerforyou:
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    1.) date picked me up at 1 P.M. and took me to the Botanical Gardens. On the way we listened to Selena Gomez because he had just bought the new CD (strike one). While at the gardens he had me take picture after picture of the same poses rather than get to know me. He called me Princess (strike 2). And after 30 minutes in the hot Texas Sun (May in Texas means 90+ degree weather and ridiculous humidity). I started to sweat. He licked a bead of sweat off of my neck. Just leaned over and licked it off. In front of God, Children and everyone. (Strike three YOU'RE OUT!!!)

    2.) Guy took me to go sell drugs and a gun before going on our date

    3.) On the first date I had a guy inquire about my feelings towards breast augmentation because even though mine are adequately sized for most girls, they weren't big enough for my body in his opinion and he needed to know that I would be open to getting implants if the relationship progressed. Needless to say, it did not progress... and did I mention that I wear a DD? Just throwing that out there.....

    So I am pretty sure that those are the top 3
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    1.) date picked me up at 1 P.M. and took me to the Botanical Gardens. On the way we listened to Selena Gomez because he had just bought the new CD (strike one). While at the gardens he had me take picture after picture of the same poses rather than get to know me. He called me Princess (strike 2). And after 30 minutes in the hot Texas Sun (May in Texas means 90+ degree weather and ridiculous humidity). I started to sweat. He licked a bead of sweat off of my neck. Just leaned over and licked it off. In front of God, Children and everyone. (Strike three YOU'RE OUT!!!)

    2.) Guy took me to go sell drugs and a gun before going on our date

    3.) On the first date I had a guy inquire about my feelings towards breast augmentation because even though mine are adequately sized for most girls, they weren't big enough for my body in his opinion and he needed to know that I would be open to getting implants if the relationship progressed. Needless to say, it did not progress... and did I mention that I wear a DD? Just throwing that out there.....

    So I am pretty sure that those are the top 3

    Wow I love this thread!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    1.) date picked me up at 1 P.M. and took me to the Botanical Gardens. On the way we listened to Selena Gomez because he had just bought the new CD (strike one). While at the gardens he had me take picture after picture of the same poses rather than get to know me. He called me Princess (strike 2). And after 30 minutes in the hot Texas Sun (May in Texas means 90+ degree weather and ridiculous humidity). I started to sweat. He licked a bead of sweat off of my neck. Just leaned over and licked it off. In front of God, Children and everyone. (Strike three YOU'RE OUT!!!)

    2.) Guy took me to go sell drugs and a gun before going on our date

    3.) On the first date I had a guy inquire about my feelings towards breast augmentation because even though mine are adequately sized for most girls, they weren't big enough for my body in his opinion and he needed to know that I would be open to getting implants if the relationship progressed. Needless to say, it did not progress... and did I mention that I wear a DD? Just throwing that out there.....

    So I am pretty sure that those are the top 3

    Wow. Just wow...