Early Stages of Dating -- No-Nos



  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    My first date with a guy on Friday:

    Him: "Oh. I shouldn't have ordered brocolli. It makes me fart."
    Me: **staring in shock**
    Him: "Let's hope I don't fart."
    Me: **face palm**

    He's 35. Quite possibly why he's single.

    Honesty is refreshing. Can I get his digits?

    Back off sister, I asked first! :tongue:

    Tag team?!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Driving us past the local Beth-Israel temple, affecting a German accent, and giving the Nazi salute.

    but c'mon....Ed Norton was some kinda hot in this movie.......


    he followed the werewolf diet to get that physique.

    OP, dont hold in your farts on the date.
    its going to happen eventually so just let it out so we can move on with our evening.
    when you shift in your chair a lot and make occasional scrunchy faces....i know whats happenin.
    we all do it. embrace it.

    lmao. On the contrary, please do hold them! No farting on the first date. :laugh:
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    One of my friends had a first date with a guy she met online. He took her out to dinner then asked her if she wanted to take a walk in the park. All was going well until they got back to the car and he asked her if he could rub her feet. She thought it was awkward, but put her foot up. He then dipped his head down and tried to suck her toes! worst first date story I ever heard.

    Sounds normal to me? I mean unless she has hobbit feet and you left that part out.....If so then he is a weirdo.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    My first date with a guy on Friday:

    Him: "Oh. I shouldn't have ordered brocolli. It makes me fart."
    Me: **staring in shock**
    Him: "Let's hope I don't fart."
    Me: **face palm**

    He's 35. Quite possibly why he's single.

    Honesty is refreshing. Can I get his digits?

    Back off sister, I asked first! :tongue:

    Tag team?!

    Oh, I'm soooo IN!
  • heylookitsval
    heylookitsval Posts: 1,141 Member
    Don't use your grandma's car to pick up a date. If you must use her car, don't tell your date about it.

    Or at least take her body out of the trunk first

    Actually having her body in there was the only thing that saved the date...we got the senior discount at dinner and a movie.
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    Told me it would only work out if I was Asian.

    Obviously not Asian.

    Hey, at least he was honest! :laugh:
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    My first date with a guy on Friday:

    Him: "Oh. I shouldn't have ordered brocolli. It makes me fart."
    Me: **staring in shock**
    Him: "Let's hope I don't fart."
    Me: **face palm**

    He's 35. Quite possibly why he's single.

    Honesty is refreshing. Can I get his digits?

    Back off sister, I asked first! :tongue:

    Tag team?!

    back again check it top
    Wreck it - let's begin
    Party on party people let me hear some noise
    DC's in the house jump jump rejoice
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    My first date with a guy on Friday:

    Him: "Oh. I shouldn't have ordered brocolli. It makes me fart."
    Me: **staring in shock**
    Him: "Let's hope I don't fart."
    Me: **face palm**

    He's 35. Quite possibly why he's single.

    Honesty is refreshing. Can I get his digits?

    Back off sister, I asked first! :tongue:

    Tag team?!

    I'm sure he'd be down for the tag team from all that I gathered about him in our encounter.
  • heylookitsval
    heylookitsval Posts: 1,141 Member
    Told me it would only work out if I was Asian.

    Obviously not Asian.

    Hey, at least he was honest! :laugh:

    Sounds like you didn't try hard enough...
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Well one first date I went on, he asked me out. Then asked if I could pick him up, since his car isn't in the best shape. Okay, not a big deal, I can totally drive. Then we get to the restaurant, eat, and then he "suddenly" realizes he doesn't have his wallet with him.
    :noway: It didn't work out. Don't get me wrong, I have no issue with paying for my share of things, but this was just weird.

    Really not that bad compared to some of these other stories though!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    My first date with a guy on Friday:

    Him: "Oh. I shouldn't have ordered brocolli. It makes me fart."
    Me: **staring in shock**
    Him: "Let's hope I don't fart."
    Me: **face palm**

    He's 35. Quite possibly why he's single.

    Honesty is refreshing. Can I get his digits?

    Back off sister, I asked first! :tongue:

    Tag team?!

    I'm sure he'd be down for the tag team from all that I gathered about him in our encounter.

    Yesss! *fist pump*
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    My first date with a guy on Friday:

    Him: "Oh. I shouldn't have ordered brocolli. It makes me fart."
    Me: **staring in shock**
    Him: "Let's hope I don't fart."
    Me: **face palm**

    He's 35. Quite possibly why he's single.

    Honesty is refreshing. Can I get his digits?

    Back off sister, I asked first! :tongue:

    Tag team?!

    Oh, I'm soooo IN!

    The thing is, had he said this when we WERE NOT eating, I would have laughed and been okay with it. But please don't talk about farting and pooping as I'm putting food in my mouth.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Well one first date I went on, he asked me out. Then asked if I could pick him up, since his car isn't in the best shape. Okay, not a big deal, I can totally drive. Then we get to the restaurant, eat, and then he "suddenly" realizes he doesn't have his wallet with him.
    :noway: It didn't work out. Don't get me wrong, I have no issue with paying for my share of things, but this was just weird.

    Really not that bad compared to some of these other stories though!

    He must not have been very hot.....
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    My first date with a guy on Friday:

    Him: "Oh. I shouldn't have ordered brocolli. It makes me fart."
    Me: **staring in shock**
    Him: "Let's hope I don't fart."
    Me: **face palm**

    He's 35. Quite possibly why he's single.

    Honesty is refreshing. Can I get his digits?

    Back off sister, I asked first! :tongue:

    Tag team?!

    Oh, I'm soooo IN!

    The thing is, had he said this when we WERE NOT eating, I would have laughed and been okay with it. But please don't talk about farting and pooping as I'm putting food in my mouth.

    See, I would've been ok with that! I'm really a 12 yr old in a 47 yr old's body.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    My first date with a guy on Friday:

    Him: "Oh. I shouldn't have ordered brocolli. It makes me fart."
    Me: **staring in shock**
    Him: "Let's hope I don't fart."
    Me: **face palm**

    He's 35. Quite possibly why he's single.

    Honesty is refreshing. Can I get his digits?

    Back off sister, I asked first! :tongue:

    Tag team?!

    Oh, I'm soooo IN!

    The thing is, had he said this when we WERE NOT eating, I would have laughed and been okay with it. But please don't talk about farting and pooping as I'm putting food in my mouth.

    Were you eating a tootsie roll? Because that would make this story so much better. Especially one of the really big ones.....

  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    One of my friends had a first date with a guy she met online. He took her out to dinner then asked her if she wanted to take a walk in the park. All was going well until they got back to the car and he asked her if he could rub her feet. She thought it was awkward, but put her foot up. He then dipped his head down and tried to suck her toes! worst first date story I ever heard.

    at least he didn't ask her to rub his feet and suck his toes....
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Well one first date I went on, he asked me out. Then asked if I could pick him up, since his car isn't in the best shape. Okay, not a big deal, I can totally drive. Then we get to the restaurant, eat, and then he "suddenly" realizes he doesn't have his wallet with him.
    :noway: It didn't work out. Don't get me wrong, I have no issue with paying for my share of things, but this was just weird.

    Really not that bad compared to some of these other stories though!

    He must not have been very hot.....

    :laugh: He was alright. I should add it wasn't because of this date that it didn't work out. We went out a couple more times after this.
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    My first date with a guy on Friday:

    Him: "Oh. I shouldn't have ordered brocolli. It makes me fart."
    Me: **staring in shock**
    Him: "Let's hope I don't fart."
    Me: **face palm**

    He's 35. Quite possibly why he's single.

    I think I have been on this date!!! Geesh! SMH!!
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member

    Were you eating a tootsie roll? Because that would make this story so much better. Especially one of the really big ones.....


    Chicken leg...something I could have choked on due to the shock and me trying to gather if that was just said.

    He then proceeded to talk about an ex which I find to be unattractive. Down the line, sure. We all have them but I am more interested in learning about the person sitting across the table from me...not the person who was in my chair a few months ago.
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    Calling exes "crazy b*tches/d*cks".

    Totally been on this date too!!

    If someone is going to speak that bad about their past relationships... and especially when they never do anything wrong... seems like it's always their ex's fault... yeah... I'M OUT!