Early Stages of Dating -- No-Nos



  • heylookitsval
    heylookitsval Posts: 1,141 Member
    Wow, some of these things don't bother me...maybe I'm more male than female. It must be the mustache.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Wow, some of these things don't bother me...maybe I'm more male than female. It must be the mustache.

    You and I both girl... or maybe that explains why I know how to pick them so well. By that I mean I make horrible choices in guys.
  • bperkins88
    bperkins88 Posts: 357 Member
    lol da fak ... some of these responses.. hahahaha
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    lol da fak ... some of these responses.. hahahaha

    i no rite! foshizzle .....dey b of da hook.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    Let's see... in no order what so ever... all happened to me in the last 6months to a year!

    Guy that says he works out... shows up weighing 300+lbs... looking nine months pregnant... yeah that was just Friday night!

    Guy that goes to pay with a "prepaid" credit card... it's declined; tells me it only has $20 on it...can I pick up the rest of the tab... oh yeah, then asks me... if my credit card has enough money on it to cover $25... yes, buddy... I own a business... I could pick up a small car with this card!

    Guy that says... sure I've been sick. But I'm all better now... yeah...he was on steroids for about a year... looked nothing like his pictures!

    Guy that says he's 5'7".... which is cool... I'm only 5'2"... with shoes... yeah, so wear 4" heels... I towered over him!

    The guy that orders me 3 shots as soon as we sit down!

    The guy that wants to pick me up from my house; not only so he can know where I live... but in his words... "Make sure I didn't run out on the date"....

    The guy that says he's divorced... yeah... wife shows up and calls me the *kitten*! Because he's still married!

    The guy that says he's coming out to meet me... and 2 hrs later... after I am already at home... he calls and asks... "Where are you?"

    Hmmm, let's see... oh one of my favorite ones... he was missing a finger... doesn't tell me... his hand was seriously deformed... throws it up on the table and asks... "Does this bother you?"

    The guy that parades me by his ex gf at a local bar... only to try and go home with her...and leave me at the bar!

    The guy that follows me to a club... chats me up all night... total sweetheart. My phone dies; so I use his to call my best friend and let her know we've gone to a club two doors down... the next day... VALENTINES DAY... his wife calls and says he lost his phone last night and this was the last number that was dialed! He was married!

    Or the guy I was totally in love with... he asked me to marry him... 6 months into dating... HE WAS STILL MARRIED!!! And even now... a year later... STILL MARRIED!

    Hmmm, my list could go on and on... I can't even remember all the bad things that I have been through... on first dates... first meetings... etc etc.

    oh honey. hahhaha :(:( you do not deserve the half of this! but i feel your pain, i do indeed :-/
  • I_see_skinny_Me15
    I_see_skinny_Me15 Posts: 22 Member
    Let's see... in no order what so ever... all happened to me in the last 6months to a year!

    Guy that says he works out... shows up weighing 300+lbs... looking nine months pregnant... yeah that was just Friday night!

    Guy that goes to pay with a "prepaid" credit card... it's declined; tells me it only has $20 on it...can I pick up the rest of the tab... oh yeah, then asks me... if my credit card has enough money on it to cover $25... yes, buddy... I own a business... I could pick up a small car with this card!

    Guy that says... sure I've been sick. But I'm all better now... yeah...he was on steroids for about a year... looked nothing like his pictures!

    Guy that says he's 5'7".... which is cool... I'm only 5'2"... with shoes... yeah, so wear 4" heels... I towered over him!

    The guy that orders me 3 shots as soon as we sit down!

    The guy that wants to pick me up from my house; not only so he can know where I live... but in his words... "Make sure I didn't run out on the date"....

    The guy that says he's divorced... yeah... wife shows up and calls me the *kitten*! Because he's still married!

    The guy that says he's coming out to meet me... and 2 hrs later... after I am already at home... he calls and asks... "Where are you?"

    Hmmm, let's see... oh one of my favorite ones... he was missing a finger... doesn't tell me... his hand was seriously deformed... throws it up on the table and asks... "Does this bother you?"

    The guy that parades me by his ex gf at a local bar... only to try and go home with her...and leave me at the bar!

    The guy that follows me to a club... chats me up all night... total sweetheart. My phone dies; so I use his to call my best friend and let her know we've gone to a club two doors down... the next day... VALENTINES DAY... his wife calls and says he lost his phone last night and this was the last number that was dialed! He was married!

    Or the guy I was totally in love with... he asked me to marry him... 6 months into dating... HE WAS STILL MARRIED!!! And even now... a year later... STILL MARRIED!

    Hmmm, my list could go on and on... I can't even remember all the bad things that I have been through... on first dates... first meetings... etc etc.

    I think we dated the same men....
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    Let's see... in no order what so ever... all happened to me in the last 6months to a year!

    Guy that says he works out... shows up weighing 300+lbs... looking nine months pregnant... yeah that was just Friday night!

    Guy that goes to pay with a "prepaid" credit card... it's declined; tells me it only has $20 on it...can I pick up the rest of the tab... oh yeah, then asks me... if my credit card has enough money on it to cover $25... yes, buddy... I own a business... I could pick up a small car with this card!

    Guy that says... sure I've been sick. But I'm all better now... yeah...he was on steroids for about a year... looked nothing like his pictures!

    Guy that says he's 5'7".... which is cool... I'm only 5'2"... with shoes... yeah, so wear 4" heels... I towered over him!

    The guy that orders me 3 shots as soon as we sit down!

    The guy that wants to pick me up from my house; not only so he can know where I live... but in his words... "Make sure I didn't run out on the date"....

    The guy that says he's divorced... yeah... wife shows up and calls me the *kitten*! Because he's still married!

    The guy that says he's coming out to meet me... and 2 hrs later... after I am already at home... he calls and asks... "Where are you?"

    Hmmm, let's see... oh one of my favorite ones... he was missing a finger... doesn't tell me... his hand was seriously deformed... throws it up on the table and asks... "Does this bother you?"

    The guy that parades me by his ex gf at a local bar... only to try and go home with her...and leave me at the bar!

    The guy that follows me to a club... chats me up all night... total sweetheart. My phone dies; so I use his to call my best friend and let her know we've gone to a club two doors down... the next day... VALENTINES DAY... his wife calls and says he lost his phone last night and this was the last number that was dialed! He was married!

    Or the guy I was totally in love with... he asked me to marry him... 6 months into dating... HE WAS STILL MARRIED!!! And even now... a year later... STILL MARRIED!

    Hmmm, my list could go on and on... I can't even remember all the bad things that I have been through... on first dates... first meetings... etc etc.

    I am 310lbs and work out regularly. You are rude.

    No one's rude... he looked NINE MONTHS PREGNANT!!! Trust me... my last serious bf...he weighed in at 310... but he was like 12% bf... if that... No one is rude. I was completely sweet and had a pretty good date... just don't like the unexpected. If you post a picture... look like it... that's all I ask!
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    Let's see... in no order what so ever... all happened to me in the last 6months to a year!

    Guy that says he works out... shows up weighing 300+lbs... looking nine months pregnant... yeah that was just Friday night!

    Guy that goes to pay with a "prepaid" credit card... it's declined; tells me it only has $20 on it...can I pick up the rest of the tab... oh yeah, then asks me... if my credit card has enough money on it to cover $25... yes, buddy... I own a business... I could pick up a small car with this card!

    Guy that says... sure I've been sick. But I'm all better now... yeah...he was on steroids for about a year... looked nothing like his pictures!

    Guy that says he's 5'7".... which is cool... I'm only 5'2"... with shoes... yeah, so wear 4" heels... I towered over him!

    The guy that orders me 3 shots as soon as we sit down!

    The guy that wants to pick me up from my house; not only so he can know where I live... but in his words... "Make sure I didn't run out on the date"....

    The guy that says he's divorced... yeah... wife shows up and calls me the *kitten*! Because he's still married!

    The guy that says he's coming out to meet me... and 2 hrs later... after I am already at home... he calls and asks... "Where are you?"

    Hmmm, let's see... oh one of my favorite ones... he was missing a finger... doesn't tell me... his hand was seriously deformed... throws it up on the table and asks... "Does this bother you?"

    The guy that parades me by his ex gf at a local bar... only to try and go home with her...and leave me at the bar!

    The guy that follows me to a club... chats me up all night... total sweetheart. My phone dies; so I use his to call my best friend and let her know we've gone to a club two doors down... the next day... VALENTINES DAY... his wife calls and says he lost his phone last night and this was the last number that was dialed! He was married!

    Or the guy I was totally in love with... he asked me to marry him... 6 months into dating... HE WAS STILL MARRIED!!! And even now... a year later... STILL MARRIED!

    Hmmm, my list could go on and on... I can't even remember all the bad things that I have been through... on first dates... first meetings... etc etc.

    Sorry, with all due respect, get your act together, you are sending out the wrong message (or there is a little John Grisham (fiction) in your prose).
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Let's see... in no order what so ever... all happened to me in the last 6months to a year!

    Guy that says he works out... shows up weighing 300+lbs... looking nine months pregnant... yeah that was just Friday night!

    Guy that goes to pay with a "prepaid" credit card... it's declined; tells me it only has $20 on it...can I pick up the rest of the tab... oh yeah, then asks me... if my credit card has enough money on it to cover $25... yes, buddy... I own a business... I could pick up a small car with this card!

    Guy that says... sure I've been sick. But I'm all better now... yeah...he was on steroids for about a year... looked nothing like his pictures!

    Guy that says he's 5'7".... which is cool... I'm only 5'2"... with shoes... yeah, so wear 4" heels... I towered over him!

    The guy that orders me 3 shots as soon as we sit down!

    The guy that wants to pick me up from my house; not only so he can know where I live... but in his words... "Make sure I didn't run out on the date"....

    The guy that says he's divorced... yeah... wife shows up and calls me the *kitten*! Because he's still married!

    The guy that says he's coming out to meet me... and 2 hrs later... after I am already at home... he calls and asks... "Where are you?"

    Hmmm, let's see... oh one of my favorite ones... he was missing a finger... doesn't tell me... his hand was seriously deformed... throws it up on the table and asks... "Does this bother you?"

    The guy that parades me by his ex gf at a local bar... only to try and go home with her...and leave me at the bar!

    The guy that follows me to a club... chats me up all night... total sweetheart. My phone dies; so I use his to call my best friend and let her know we've gone to a club two doors down... the next day... VALENTINES DAY... his wife calls and says he lost his phone last night and this was the last number that was dialed! He was married!

    Or the guy I was totally in love with... he asked me to marry him... 6 months into dating... HE WAS STILL MARRIED!!! And even now... a year later... STILL MARRIED!

    Hmmm, my list could go on and on... I can't even remember all the bad things that I have been through... on first dates... first meetings... etc etc.

    I am 310lbs and work out regularly. You are rude.

    No one's rude... he looked NINE MONTHS PREGNANT!!! Trust me... my last serious bf...he weighed in at 310... but he was like 12% bf... if that... No one is rude. I was completely sweet and had a pretty good date... just don't like the unexpected. If you post a picture... look like it... that's all I ask!

    310 and 12% bodyfat is nearly impossible. If true, he must have been juicing like no one's business...

    Also you didnt say he used deceptive pics.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    in... for stories
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Wow, some of these things don't bother me...maybe I'm more male than female. It must be the mustache.

    You and I both girl... or maybe that explains why I know how to pick them so well. By that I mean I make horrible choices in guys.

    True story
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    Let's see... in no order what so ever... all happened to me in the last 6months to a year!

    Guy that says he works out... shows up weighing 300+lbs... looking nine months pregnant... yeah that was just Friday night!

    Guy that goes to pay with a "prepaid" credit card... it's declined; tells me it only has $20 on it...can I pick up the rest of the tab... oh yeah, then asks me... if my credit card has enough money on it to cover $25... yes, buddy... I own a business... I could pick up a small car with this card!

    Guy that says... sure I've been sick. But I'm all better now... yeah...he was on steroids for about a year... looked nothing like his pictures!

    Guy that says he's 5'7".... which is cool... I'm only 5'2"... with shoes... yeah, so wear 4" heels... I towered over him!

    The guy that orders me 3 shots as soon as we sit down!

    The guy that wants to pick me up from my house; not only so he can know where I live... but in his words... "Make sure I didn't run out on the date"....

    The guy that says he's divorced... yeah... wife shows up and calls me the *kitten*! Because he's still married!

    The guy that says he's coming out to meet me... and 2 hrs later... after I am already at home... he calls and asks... "Where are you?"

    Hmmm, let's see... oh one of my favorite ones... he was missing a finger... doesn't tell me... his hand was seriously deformed... throws it up on the table and asks... "Does this bother you?"

    The guy that parades me by his ex gf at a local bar... only to try and go home with her...and leave me at the bar!

    The guy that follows me to a club... chats me up all night... total sweetheart. My phone dies; so I use his to call my best friend and let her know we've gone to a club two doors down... the next day... VALENTINES DAY... his wife calls and says he lost his phone last night and this was the last number that was dialed! He was married!

    Or the guy I was totally in love with... he asked me to marry him... 6 months into dating... HE WAS STILL MARRIED!!! And even now... a year later... STILL MARRIED!

    Hmmm, my list could go on and on... I can't even remember all the bad things that I have been through... on first dates... first meetings... etc etc.

    Sometimes the best way to find the problem is to look within yourself...

    ok... I guess maybe I will just have to keep on working on being honest, faithful, outgoing, financially responsible... etc etc... because certainly the problem isn't that I've been lied to... lol!
    I guess I am just a nice person who wants to believe that people are still honest... but thank you, I will take what you've said and try and work on myself...
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    Let's see... in no order what so ever... all happened to me in the last 6months to a year!

    Guy that says he works out... shows up weighing 300+lbs... looking nine months pregnant... yeah that was just Friday night!

    Guy that goes to pay with a "prepaid" credit card... it's declined; tells me it only has $20 on it...can I pick up the rest of the tab... oh yeah, then asks me... if my credit card has enough money on it to cover $25... yes, buddy... I own a business... I could pick up a small car with this card!

    Guy that says... sure I've been sick. But I'm all better now... yeah...he was on steroids for about a year... looked nothing like his pictures!

    Guy that says he's 5'7".... which is cool... I'm only 5'2"... with shoes... yeah, so wear 4" heels... I towered over him!

    The guy that orders me 3 shots as soon as we sit down!

    The guy that wants to pick me up from my house; not only so he can know where I live... but in his words... "Make sure I didn't run out on the date"....

    The guy that says he's divorced... yeah... wife shows up and calls me the *kitten*! Because he's still married!

    The guy that says he's coming out to meet me... and 2 hrs later... after I am already at home... he calls and asks... "Where are you?"

    Hmmm, let's see... oh one of my favorite ones... he was missing a finger... doesn't tell me... his hand was seriously deformed... throws it up on the table and asks... "Does this bother you?"

    The guy that parades me by his ex gf at a local bar... only to try and go home with her...and leave me at the bar!

    The guy that follows me to a club... chats me up all night... total sweetheart. My phone dies; so I use his to call my best friend and let her know we've gone to a club two doors down... the next day... VALENTINES DAY... his wife calls and says he lost his phone last night and this was the last number that was dialed! He was married!

    Or the guy I was totally in love with... he asked me to marry him... 6 months into dating... HE WAS STILL MARRIED!!! And even now... a year later... STILL MARRIED!

    Hmmm, my list could go on and on... I can't even remember all the bad things that I have been through... on first dates... first meetings... etc etc.

    Sorry, with all due respect, get your act together, you are sending out the wrong message (or there is a little John Grisham (fiction) in your prose).

    How am I sending the wrong message... lol!

    ahhh! Internet ... gotta love it. I think that's how I get into these situations in the first place... lmao ... ok ...

    Sorry if I gave anyone the wrong impression... I think some of the stuff I've been through is funny...character building if nothing else... life is fun... things will happen... :) oh well... gotta go focus on myself I guess...
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    After reading several of these, it seems to me there is something of a 4th garde syndrome here. The girls are like "eeeewe" and the guys are all "lighten up". There seems to be something of the "pulling the girl's pigtails to show her you like her" routine here.

    Of course, if she's wearing pigtails and she like's it like that... ;)

    In for pigtail pulling! :blushing:
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Wow, some of these things don't bother me...maybe I'm more male than female. It must be the mustache.

    You and I both girl... or maybe that explains why I know how to pick them so well. By that I mean I make horrible choices in guys.

    True story

  • pamb89
    pamb89 Posts: 28 Member
    Inviting me to a family dinner two days after meeting me which requires a three hour drive and an overnight stay -___-
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    Him: "I like it when girls call me daddy."
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Him: "I like it when girls call me daddy."

    Third date?
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    My first date with a guy on Friday as we are eating:

    Him: "Oh. I shouldn't have ordered brocolli. It makes me fart."
    Me: **staring in shock**
    Him: "Let's hope I don't fart."
    Me: **face palm**

    He's 35. Quite possibly why he's single.

    Aaaaand now everyone in my office is staring at me wondering why I can't stop laughing. This is epic. I mean how do you respond to that?!?!
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    First date. Still drinking my first drink. :noway: When I went home I discovered you can look up pervs online with just a first name.