

  • "Insert something intelligent here". Short answer depends on the personality.
  • While cardio is great for weight loss combined with calories deficit, I honestly think resistant training is better. It helps insure you retain any muscle you might have ( might even grow some if your a beginner) and burn the unwanted fat. The scale might not move down as fast as doing cardio but what count is how satisfy…
  • I'm currently doing LC/HF and its working great but the initial 2 week sucked cause its really hard for me to not eat any rice or bread on a daily basis. However, now I'm pretty used to it and also increased my carb to 20% of my daily intake ( I still try to have 2-3 days a week where i consume little to no carb if…
  • your right I am sleeping better and also my stress level is much lower than when I was in school. Also I was breaking out like crazy. Now I don't even have a single pimple. I guess rather than the sugar in energy drink alone but because of all the stimulant which didn't help out my already stressed out state. So from what…
  • So much hostility. Granted the OP should have provided a link to the study for some credibility, but this idea is not impossible. If we think about it, we are lead to believe that low fat high carb diet is healthy and help prevent heart disease for years which couldn't be further from the truth. I'm not saying what the OP…