DinahMoeHumm Member


  • A haircut :D Doesn't seem big, I know. I may also get another tattoo.
  • jksdfhjsdhf WOW. Seriously, way to go. That's an effing amazing accomplishment.
  • Start weight: 173.4 September 12: 170.0! I'm really not sure how that happened. I did weigh myself with two different scales on those times, so maybe they were a bit off from each other. Either way, this means I've lost 21 pounds altogether! This week is going to be a bit messed up. It's my birthday on Thursday and I'm…
  • I'm here I'm here! On Monday I was all proud for remembering and I was like YEAH get on this thing! And then the scale was broken D: But apparently my mum was hiding one under her bed, which she told me about today. I thought I was going to miss this completely, but I hope it's okay if I start now? September 8 Weight:…
  • Iiiii think I would like to try this :S I have a tendency to forget things, but I'd really like to try one of these. Halloween is my favourite day of the year and it would be nice to have another thing to make me happy that day. Also I've fallen off the tracks a little, so maybe this will help. I'm going to try to just…
  • Thank you everyone! I've added y'all so far <3
  • That's fantastic! I'm definitely going to redo my measurements to get a more accurate number now, so I can see slight changes.
  • Not being horrendously disappointed by pictures of myself Being able to find clothes I like in my size Wearing short sleeve shirts Fitting into the clothes I used to and realizing I was NOT fat then Have someone comment on my loss Going swimming without feeling super super self concious