

  • It is WAY more than a light calorie burn. It is not a traditional yoga by any means. You combine the flow yoga moves with dynamic resistance and isometrics. As well as adding in some old school calisthenics. With all due respect it is pretty pretentious to criticize a program you admit to have never tried. The workouts put…
  • Aloha! I am new to MyFitnessPal and look forward to using it in conjunction with DDP yoga. When I started in Sept. 2013 I was just under 500 lbs at 6'2" and just turned 30 years old. I am now at 417 lbs and feeling better than I did in high school. I even have friends who i have shared and taught the program with and am…
  • Aloha! I am 30 yrs old 6'1 and right now at 417 lbs. I started DDP Yoga back in Sept. 2013 and I am at a 89 pound loss so far. The program is incredible. I have some friends who do it with me, mothers with multiple c-sections, multi knee surgery, lower back injuries. What is so great about the program is it really can be…