

  • I tan once a week at my Gym. I love the way the warm bed feels and I like having a little glow. I tan for 15 minutes at a time and I use a good moisterizer. If you have family history of skin cancer, you need to be careful. I am not a Doctor, but I have read that all and most skin cancers come from the burning of the skin,…
  • I love shopping at the Unique Thrift Store in New Hope! They have 20% off on everything, on Tuesdays! I find tons of great things there too!
  • cute!
  • LOL< I make the same thing all the time! I dont usually add the cheese though! I will have to try that! Sounds yummy! Thanks!
  • I buy a 2 pound turkey ham and a thing of egg whites-natural egg beaters. I have 3 servings of the egg beaters and a 2 ounce slice of the turkey ham. Lots of protein and only 175 calories. Takes like 3 to 4 minutes to make it. It is a yummy warm breakfast!
  • Your beautiful! Hold your head up! You earned and worked hard for what you got! ROCK IT! I hope you can find a way to feel sexy! You feel so much better, everyday with life, when you mentally feel good about yourself! Have a little talk with yourself next time you go out! Find the perfect outfit and mentally put it in your…
  • Love it! If you feel sexy and have the sexy body language, others will see you as being that way too! Sometimes you have to find the right outfit to help! I see a reason for shopping!
  • Good luck to you! I wish you the best and to get the results you are working hard for!
  • Are you looking for Amino Acid suppliments?
  • I am obsessed with weighing myself. Most people weigh in 1 time a week! Im too afraid to do that. What is I gain 5 lbs that week! I want to know if I gained 1 pound so I can work a little harder to remove it right away! I know that it is not likely to gain 5 lbs in a week, but still!
  • I love my Doggie and my Cat! I have had them both for a very long time! My cat is 16 and my dog is 12. I have to say, I do miss my jogging buddy! My Dog is too old to jog with me now and I kinda use that as my excuse for gaining a few extra pounds, LOL! I want to get another dog, but I am afraid my old lady dog will get…
  • I have really been enjoying the egg beaters naturals. The gave 0 cholesterol and 0 fat. Also the calorie content is a 1/3 of a real egg. The protein is great too. I dont like plain egg whites, but these are great. I cook it with turkey ham and enjoy a big breakfast with only 175 cals and tons of protein.
  • Geeen tea helps me so much with hunger. Since I have been taking it, I have been able to balance out my daily food intake better. I love it. It also has wonderful health bennifits.
  • I workin an office where we suggest suppliments for patients. There are lots out there and it all depends on your daily diet. I take 3,000 vit D because it is winter time here and we dont get much sunlight. This helps with your immune system. I also take fish oil 2 times a day. Fish oil is a nutural inflammatory. If you…
  • I have had an acct to my fitness for over a year. I never noticed the friends area. I think I need to add a few friends for encouragement. Then I won't stray away here n there. My goal is 30 lbs and I'd like to loose 10in the next month. Please add me if you'd like. I can help you with reminders and maybe you can help me…
  • I only have 2 fitness pal friends and could use a few more. Its nice to see posts and positive notes. You can add me if you'd like. I'm trying to loose 30 lbs so I can start running again. Too over weight right now and I keep re injuring myself when trying to push myself to run. I have been cal counting on n off for the…