

  • DAY # 03 It was very tiresome. Today I was up early. Morning didn't went good as I got my eyes puffy. Don't know what is the reason. But all the workouts were carried as they were intended to. But I would like to inform that from tomorrow I will be discontinuing my treadmill and BeFiT Workout. I think I'm pushing myself…
  • Seems very challenging but how do you know that you have burned this many calories?
  • DAY # 02 After seeing so many videos and calories intake and burning videos. What I understand is: Burn more calories then you intake. So with that kept in mind I'm doing my exercises as follows: (If its wrong please do correct me.) Got up late again around 11. Had a small cheese sandwich for late breakfast. Then around…
  • Count me in, I would love to do the challenge, along with my journey topic here on MFP.
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