

  • I had same problem this Christmas. I am eating gluten free, but in Xmas was almost impossible not to eat apple pie of the mother in law, or a crumbed fish or something there and here, drank 3 glasses of wine, and I didnt eat that much, but I ate a big piece of panettone cupcake special (this one…
  • I make a salad and sandwich with gluten free bread or ciabata, turkey breast (sliced too, is very cheap usually and you can put 5 slices, will make you super full, works for me), cottage cheese or some non fat cheese that is cheap in your area. I buy big salad and wash and use for 3 days. Carrots, lettuce, tomato. Is easy,…
  • How do you keep your eggs fresh?
  • Health and wanting to have more strength and cardiovascular capacity. I like doing hikes, I study a subject that sometimes need endurance and strength, so I would like to be feeling up to it. I didnt want to only lose weight, I went there and saw it many times in past, I realized what I want is not a number only, is…
  • I do the same and consider the average of 3 days to see the trend.
  • Well, if you want the 10% fat range, probably you should restrict it most possible. My male friends that are gym rats and very lean eat very little quantity of carbs and of very restricted types. But I try to follow the paleo diet theory that says around 100g tp 120g of carbs daily is okay for avoiding too much quick fat…
  • They said that the patch is more dangerous though, dunno why. Is a damned if you, damned if you dont.
  • I inscribed here only in end of September, I am on my routine since middle august and lost 7 kg in 4 months. So I think you can lose 10 kg in 6 months in a healthy way, and I have gained muscles too so also consider if you replace your fat weight with muscle mass plus lose some kgs you will look even better if you just…
  • I know, I dont know if I was unlucky and got 3 different gynec. misdiagnosis all my life, but those doctors had good reputation. Sigh, but none of them gave me a good diagnosis, one said was my diet, another said I had to go to endocrin and not her. I dont have high glucosis, or insulin resistance, though I had some low…
  • Oh my gash! Americans eat so much and so delicious. Here is so boring, fish, turkey, grills, no cool side dishes as there and poor choice of sweets in parties, nobody does pies. :(
  • We dont really celebrate thanksgiving where I am living, so around 1300 gross and also exercised 40 min, had chicken skewers with salad for dinner and some chocolate.
  • If you dont mind if I ask, what was the biggest thing that showed in the blood work the PCOS? I have mostly high androstenedione, and limiting testosterone. Thank you!
  • I will keep trying with lowering the carb the most I can without feeling bad! Thank you guys. This syndrome is so complicated, you have the cysts but no irregularity, why this thing is not studied more?
  • Hi, thanks for the input. I took for very short time, some months in a year, then some years later I took for 12 months around again. But I am not on the pill for quite some time now. This syndrome is so confusing, and many doctors seems it looks all like about the cysts. If you dont have any and ovary is normal, you are…
  • Thanks! No, I didnt check for LH, FSH, only when i was on pill for a short time. But I checked for insulin resistance one year ago and was normal. Wow supercoo, I didnt know about the spearmint or that you can get well with low carb even for us high androgen girls. When I ate mostly protein instead of carbs, I was so thin.…
  • I tried changing the composition of my diet and stopped eating gluten (mostly bread and pasta/pizza, that I am not fond of it actually, but in this country I moved in is all they eat basically and I got weight even eating same amount of calories, but going from rice/salad/beans/cooked potatoes/protein to pasta/pizza/bread,…
  • Did you try DDP yoga? I lost 4 kg since I started, slowly, but everybody says I am looking so fit, lost tons of cm on waist. Got more muscle strenght and growth than contours (gym for women), walking or water sports. Mostly not running or damaging the joints (though some positions could be challenging for a weak ankle). I…
  • You could make chili with cheese and not eat the tortillas and kid and husband can have them separated. Or chicken skewers and you can have salad or grilled veggies and make fries/baked potatoes for kids and husband. I usually have half baked potato and husband have big one or 2 with butter and cheddar. So mine is more…
  • This is true, I tried spinning/running for hours to lose weight sometimes in life, but never helped me much. When I started circuiting in Contours years ago (circuit gym for women, curves sucks, they dont have real weights, I wouldnt advise), or was doing Insanity, DDPyoga, doing martial arts that incorporate strenght and…
  • Thank you so much. I like your series and the mix makes sense. :) Will try to implement this! Thanks a lot again.
  • Thank you. I mean this exactly. I am afraid of building only the shoulder area and look even more disproportionate, but maybe I didn't express it well. If you see my childhood pics, I had those thick arms and shoulders and very thin long non muscular legs. Oh my, lol, you aunt was thought to be a man in drag :O ?! This is…
  • Surplus? I thought to lose fat and grow muscle, I should be in deficit for the substitution (to burn fat and improve toning)? I am trying to improve my abs, so I was doing a small minus. Maybe after I replace almost all the lower belly fat with muscle, I can change to a small surplus to focus on the legs? Thanks, I am…
  • Lol. I moved very far right now too and still didnt find a dojo around. I am thinking of joining a Karate one or just keep doing yoga videos at home. I like DDP or Insane too. Aikido is so good for mind and body, I felt like steel made when i practiced. Hope you are liking judo!
  • Hey, Susannamarie, I think I know exactly like you feel, my mom tried to make me like ballet and those dances till I was 15 and I never liked, she never let my dad give me a bike to run with the boys of the street cause they were mostly males and I should like ballet, like my other sister. But my sister is like thin…
  • I tried many sports/gym to thicken legs, my legs are those stick thin, specially if I am on the thinner side of the scale. They get toned but not big. It happens since I was a kid and became more disproportionate after teenage: You are right guys, I think is a family inbred prejudice and wrong companies that makes me think…
  • Thank you for the support, you are very similar to me, I have 5'2 and 45 shoulder circumference, but I also have big and short arms. I was in this relationship for some years and also my whole family (mom, sister, aunts) thinks women should be ballet thin shoulders long slender feminine and I never fit in my whole life.…
  • Thanks :) for the support and understanding it. So much bad comments. I am not part of a bodybuilding community or a supportive group, and those remarks or being bullied by school boys for something you cant change is so bad. I love yoga too, but I still didnt let myself go swimming as an exercise, maybe I will, and see…
  • Wow, thanks for bullying me. I never said I THINK we women with large shoulder and arms are men. I said that I have been bullied because of it sometimes and sadly I didnt grow up/live in the same community as you. :(
  • I do pull ups and Insane 4x week. I have always been able to do most manly exercises. I am not saying is A BAD thing girls. Dont get me wrong. I want to be strong and healthy. BUT bodybuilder is not my profession, and I dont enjoy stupid men jokes behind your back in the office. I know I think my EX was kinda sexist, maybe…