Lindz8afish Member


  • Going through this right now. I can't seem to avoid food and I'm bouncing up and down between 5lbs because of it. I've got 10-15lbs to lose yet. For me, I'm taking a day at a time and making sure to keep my exercising going. I figure if I keep pushing myself to exercise and eat my best when I can, I'm bound to get there…
  • Ditto the heavy lifting part and lots of protein (if you're going to lift)! After having two kids, my stomach is the worst part of me. I know some of the flab is extra skin unfortunately probably here to stay :-/ But after just 3 weeks of doing Jamie Eason's LiveFit program (free on I have dropped a pant…
  • Thanks everyone! I think I will be getting one just to help assist me with getting back my body after pregnancy! I had a pooch for 6-7 months after my first son. It will be interesting to see how well this helps :)
  • Name: Lindsay Hubby/Partner: Zack How many kids do you have: Son- Lukas, 12 months old and Roxy (4 legged) 4 years old Due Date: July 14th Do you know the gender: Not yet Have you picked out the baby's name: Avery if it's a girl Where do you live: Near Lansing, MI Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Was on bed rest for…
  • I'm having a really hard time keeping up with the forum. I love the idea of groups!
  • Thanks Kim! We did a Dr. Seuss theme for my son Lukas. He LOVES it! Everyone said it was going to be too overwhelming, but we never had any issues. He's always smiled when he sees the characters. Here's a link to some pictures: This…
  • I'm so very sorry! There are no words that will make it better, but time helps. Please take care of your little one and I will definitely say a prayer for your family. :heart:
  • Ashley - The nursery is so cute!! Belinda - I use All F&C and really like it. I wash my son's cloth diapers in it and have had no stains. Per the cloth diaper recommendation (I use BumGenius) I only bleach once a month so it has to be the detergent! Went to my OB apt this morning. Baby is healthy, placenta looks great. So…
  • Quick post of goals for the week: - Get back on track with healthy food!! - A sweet treat only on Saturday or Sunday. *I'm trying to omit sweets from my daily diet, I tend to over indulge in them! - Do prenatal yoga every day (at least the warm-up, stretch part of my dvd) - Start walking if I get the ok to tomorrow at my…
  • Name: Lindsay Hubby/Partner: Zack How many kids do you have: One human child, Lukas and one dog child Roxy :) Due Date: July 14th, 2012 How far along are you: 12 weeks Do you know the gender: Not yet Babies Name: TBD Where do you live (if you want to share): Lansing MI Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Was walking,…
  • Thanks for being so welcoming ladies! Ashley I tested positive for strep B as well. I wouldn't worry about it too much, I never had any issues with it during labor. Belinda - I just joined and didn't know if anyone else had been on bed rest also. Glad to hear you are off of it! I'm hoping January 3rd my OB will say I can…
  • Hi all, I'd love to join this group :) My name is Lindsay and I'm 11 weeks pregnant with my second. My son, Lukas, turns 1 tomorrow! When I was pregnant with him, I didn't really care what I ate or how active I was. I gained 35lbs. Not too bad except I was already overweight when I got pregnant. I managed to lose the baby…
  • Cinnamon, apple pieces and raisins mixed in while it's cooking on the stove. Mmmmm :)
  • If you are low on energy, just walk. I never ever walked before starting to lose weight. Now I walk at least 2 miles daily (10 months later). It is so refreshing to just get out there. I find it helps bump up my energy levels as well.
  • Way to go! Today I jogged for 5 minutes, then walked for 2 minutes, then jogged another 5 minutes. It may seem like not a big deal to most people, but it's huge for me. I've always used my asthma as an excuse to not run, so my cardio is (was!) horrible. But I can feel it get better every day I'm active!
  • *noms on celery stick*
  • As much as I hate to do this, I know it's needed. I need to simplify my life and stop obsessing over my fitness pal right now. I am going to have to leave the challenge group :sad: I am starting school here soon, we aren't doing great financially (I know, who is right now) and I can feel my anxiety is through the rough. So…
  • 07/08: 161lbs 07/15: 162.4 07/22: --- 07/29: 161.2 08/05: 157.4 08/12:155 08/19: --- 08/26: 157.6 Up 2.6lbs from the last time I weighed myself. I'm really not surprised. I did it to myself by not working out as hard. No excuses. I'm incredibly irritated/stressed at the moment, so I'm going to bed soon. This day has been…
  • I don't have a last chance workout planned. Really I shouldn't even be on the computer right now. Laundry/packing to go up north ALL day today hah. And I have to make sure everything is set for my brother in law, then my sister to watch our dogs while we are gone. My goals for this vacation aren't much, but I really just…
  • Calorie burn for the week is 2131. Need a killer calorie burn this week to help offset the damage of next weekend :)
  • 07/08 161.0 07/15 162.4 07/22 --- 07/29 161.2 08/05 157.4 08/12 155.0 Ahhh so excited to be at my pre-pregnancy weight. It is the best feeling ever! I want to thank you all for being so encouraging through the tough times and keeping me motivated to get it done! I definitely would not be at this weight without you girls…
  • Alright, I feel like my life is organized again! Made myself a notebook with weekly and monthly to-do lists (including exercising :) I've needed to do this for a while. I'm sort of kind of maybe a bit too much obsessed with schedules and keeping things organized hah. So now that my notebook is out and ready to be used, I'm…
  • My loss for the week was 2260 calories. Weak I know! Tomorrow is going to be crazy busy, but I am going to wake up early and get Insanity in. I'm going to die, I haven't done it in forever! But now that I know my husbands schedule I'm going to spend tonight making up a plan and sticking to it! I do much better with…
  • Those are two successes!! I don't think I could have resisted the oreos!! The pizza, maaaayyybeee.. hah. Good for you!! You are right, it is not easy!
  • Sarah, one, I hope to see you sometime this weekend :bigsmile: But two, I think you will find staying away from the scale for a week to be great. Mostly because if you did put on weight this past week it's probably water weight. I mean I don't know exactly what you ate or anything, but with your brother and sis-in-law it…
  • 07/08 162.2lbs 07/15 161lbs 07/22 162.4lbs 07/29 161.2lbs 08/05 157.4lbs!!!!!!!!! Finally hit the 150's!!! So excited about that! I did really good with my diet the last part of this week. I'm rather surprised, but I will take it! Lukas is waking up, but real quick here are my weekend goals: - Stick with a good, clean,…
  • Yes!! Let's get to the 150's!!! I went to weigh Lukas yesterday afternoon, I step on the scale with him, then without him. My without him weight was 158.4lbs! I don't normally pay attention to the weight cuz it's in the middle of the day, but WHAT?! Now I'm nervous I won't stay under 160 until Friday haha.
  • My burn for the week is 2074 calories :O( I'm bummed by the number, I was super lazy this week! Happy Saturday :)
  • @ Caroline, hang in there! Robin's idea of focusing on your food is a great idea! A daily walk, no matter how slow, would also be a great way to clear your mind and get a little exercise in. Just start slowly. I have noticed when I try to change things it is much easier to do one thing at a time, then to do it all at once.…
  • Dani I feel the same way, I really haven't had a lot of stressful situations this year and I'm worried because I have decided to go back to school starting the end of August. I'm hoping I can find ways to cope, without going to food! Will be thinking of you today!!