telyhan Member


  • I went through the same process. I have switched to a mostly vegetarian, bordering on vegan (very small amounts of animal products in my diet), diet and it took a couple weeks for my body to adjust. Drink lots of water to help.
  • Have you tried, at the end of the day, adding up the amount of time you were actually walking during the day? Take that time and add it as walking for your exercise. Depending on how intense you "run around" would be determined as the type of walking you did. I know there are many times that I walk very fast trying to get…
  • I am still learning myself, but the easiest way that I have found to keep myself on track is to load up the kitchen with tons of healthy vegetables and seasonings and then prepare meals a day ahead of time. I add the food to the diary as I am preparing it to make sure I am staying within my calorie intake. This way I know…