mcleoda5 Member


  • I am back on it today, I took a day off yesterday- mostly I couldn't get my butt in gear cause of the rain and cold but I just put my before pics next to some I took the other day and was shocked by the result! there actually was a difference. So now that I have some motivation to keep going back I am going to keep with it.
  • That's great! I am on day 12 of the 30 day shred too. I'm having a hard time staying motivated and keeping with it but I've stuck with it this long. How is it going for you?
  • Great work sticking with it! It can be discouraging when the scale doesn't move but stick with it! I am also taking measurements every ten days to keep motivated when the scale doesn't move. I am on day 8 of level 1 of the 30 day shred and working on getting the motivation to do it today. Unfortunately it has gotten kind…
    in Day 9 Comment by mcleoda5 September 2014
  • Great job everyone, I am so excited to log in and see so many people still working hard. Today went well for me, I didn't get a run in (I was feeling sick earlier) but I did suck it up and do the 30 day shred. 26 days left
    in Day 5 Comment by mcleoda5 September 2014
  • I just started this yesterday and can you say ouch lol. I did a lot of research about her videos before deciding on it and a lot of people said the same thing- that they were not losing weight. Though they didn't lose weight, they lost inches and, in my opinion, really showed a difference between their start day and end…
    in Day 3 Comment by mcleoda5 September 2014
  • Great job sticking with it! It can be hard when you don't see results but you will get there
    in Day 3 Comment by mcleoda5 September 2014
  • Hi everyone! I have been trying to lose the weight I gained after graduation and from the stress of moving for a while now. I am hoping to lose a bit of weight by Halloween- I don't have a specific number but would like to lose at least one size. SW: 175 CW: 175 GW: 145 UGW:135 I have been looking for a group that would…