

  • lol you're never too old for katy perry! if it gets you motivated that's all that matters. My mom is 56 and she told me she loves wrecking ball by miley cyrus and she also said she felt to old to listen to it lol
  • I love 5fdp! my husband and I went to their concert for our honeymoon 5 years ago
  • That's incredible! awesome work , it's nice seeing success stories. My heaviest charted weight was also 272, and now I'm at 217 and feel so much better. My goal is also to lose 100 pounds in total. Good luck on the rest of your journey :)
  • Found this article interesting about breastfeeding and weight loss. I agree every woman is different with how many calories they burn while breastfeeding but it is most certainly true that no matter what, you burn calories by having…
  • Add me! I had a baby june 21st, was really sick for the first part and lost 20 then gained 25 at the end. Have lost a bit since then but looking to lose a total of 50 as I was already heavy before I got prego. Good luck on your journey, are you breastfeeding? as that has helped me lose some of the weight.
  • Hello other breastfeeding moms! I have a 3 month old and exclusively breastfeed. I also was wondering what to do as I can't find an option on MFP for taking breastfeeding into consideration. I now weigh 225lbs which was my starting weight when I got pregnant, and have a goal of losing 1.5lbs a week until I'm at 175lb which…